Two chicks at the same time?


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Jun-17-09 AT 02:06PM (MST)[p]
Too quiet around here! Everyone is either probably telling everyone and their dog about the tag they drew or in a deep depression without a tag in a dark room talking to MM junkies!
I had my finger on the nuke button for this one!! Lol

just be careful on here guys. someones reliving their good ol hall monitor days through this website. N I think our new hall monitor is taking his new job real serious. ROFLMFAO! Uh oh! do I need to start removing the last "F" and the "A" from ROFLMFAO?

>just be careful on here guys.
>Uh oh! do I
>need to start removing the
>last "F" and the "A"

Why? I thought the F always stood for "fat" and the "A" for "abs" - you know, like it was a "gut-buster". What else could it be?

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

"If it moves shoot it again"

Get this straight in your head. That which promotes freedom is GOOD..that which takes away from freedom is BAD. Government, by its very nature, is evil...that is precisly why the founders insisted upon the citizens being armed and prepared to resist tyranny.
Come on slammy defend yourself. Now your a hall monitoring, free speech hating old nun granny! ROFLM**O! Dude were killing you here! mm'ers --- 3. Slammy --- 0. Your fallin behind slammydoo!


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