Twitter or Tweet



LAST EDITED ON Aug-09-09 AT 08:42PM (MST)[p]Anybody on these forums know what the heck that means? I'll be damned if I'm going to research. I bet there are Twitters and Tweeters amomgst us... so let's hear from you.

Heck if I know Rus, has something to do with a cell phone I think...

Until there's something to do for Twuaters I'm just gonna stick to MM....:)


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
What'd i ever do to you, kilo? why you calling me out on this one?

I've never used twitter...never tweeted(except that one time, but she was paying good money).

This guy explains it quite well...

*WARNING...language, etc, etc...don't kill the messenger...twitty twaht ...

I just thought that you might know all of this new stuff out there now. Sorry bud, guess you don't know either like a lot of us. Have a cold one on me and good luck on the hunt.

No offense was taken, bud! I really dont like FB, it WAS just something i did during the off time at work. but thats over now.
I'll still be on there to keep my friends updated on my hunting tales.

I'll be having a cold 6 for you and 8 for me!


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