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Have to admit... I heard about this guy that Tweeted his Girl Friends Twitter one time and her dad kicked the Google outta him.

Man! I miss the good old days.

I haven't ever been to twitter but if I were going to I'd probably track Ivey, Durr, Esfandiari, and Negreanu through the World Series of Poker...

No twitten, tweeken, or any other tw---- things allowed around this house!! :) I don't even own a cell phone, don't want one!!


PS. No facebook neither.
I still dont really know what it is...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
My husband follows the St. Louis Cardinals and Gary Bussey. Bussey is HILARIOUS. His tweets alone are worth getting a Twitter account, but the rest of it is gobbledygook that makes no sense.

I can't figure it out and what it's really for, other than people want to see how many followers they can get and just talk to be talking. When I activated a Twitter account for a business I do work for there were 25 people it followed automatically. So now I get annoying messages from Ryan Secrest (that guy never shuts up) some one named "adventure girl" who takes trips all around the world and then tells everyone about where she is at, Danny Glover is some activist and has meetings he invites everyone to in Hollywood or somewhere in LA...I think it's some pyramid scheme, not sure but THIS is the Lethal Weapon star??? What? and I had to block the Utah Jazz because they were so annoying.

The top 3 tweets on my phone look like this: @adventuregirl #SummerMash #Watchitoo I have no idea how to decode that!

Gary Bussey is funny...but all in all...Twitter sucks.
There was a new episode of Futurama on a few night ago. Lampooned iPhones, Twigger, etc.

Spot on to this middle aged guy. I don't get it and think it's S T U P I D.

Busted my 16 Y.O. daughter a while back for having links on her FaceBook page with her being in a limo and her 16 Y.O. girlfriend was driking Kahlua. She didn't seem to realize that the whold damn world can look at this crap.

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