

Very Active Member
What ever happened to the good ole days of turtle huntin? 264magnum, tell us another story,
Allthough the bobcat banishment for 40 years is slowly pickin up speed..
buttshot, turtle hunting is as popular as ever. We're just not as vocal as we used to be. There's lots of jealous folks on this site now.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
>buttshot, turtle hunting is as popular
>as ever. We're just not
>as vocal as we used
>to be. There's lots of
>jealous folks on this site

It sure is as popular as ever Eel, I have heard of a couple of real wall hangers taken recently but I have yet to see the photos so it could just be rumors.

On another note with spring just around the corner I decided to break out the flashlights and I spent a couple of hours up in the attic last night doing some preseason scouting for the upcoming spider season. I gotta tell ya Eel I spotted one at 21ft and although I didn't get a scope on him before he vanished behind a rafter, he sure had it all! leg length, body hair, mass, great coloring and I am certain he will make the B&S book (big & scary) as he looked to way over the 2" minimum but I know I will have to really work for him as he is really crafty.

I am so excited now that I am planning on scouting out the garage rafters tonight. It's a lot more rugged than the attic but it produces some trophy scary spiders if a fella is willing to put in the extra effort. Maybe we could get together this summer for a late season rut spider hunt, what do you think?
Should be a good time.. kinda like the old days.

Around this little mountain town spiders have become the dominant species and are crossbreeding with anything they can get their long legs around. Belonging to the Arachmonk family, these make great family pets but are also good table fare and are a challenging species to hunt. You get caught under gunned hunting these things and they'll sink their long pedipalps into you.

Wow Feleno!
Those are handsome devils. Would you happen to know if they are recognised by the B&S society as a trophy? It's easy to see they well exceed the 2" minimum.
I'm thinking a out of state trip is in order, I really want one of those.
I noticed you mentioned about being under gunned.. So since i am not familiar with that species, Do you have any recommendations on what a ethical spider hunter might use? Keeping in mind that I am a sportsman and it's fair chase or nothing however, I want to be able to deliver a quick humane blow.
Rest assured mod-70....that they are recognized. I am an OM for the BS society. It is a secret society and published record books are very scarce....Eel does hold a record or 2

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-10 AT 03:27PM (MST)[p]70
13er is correct, he has scored 7 of my biggest although none of them compare to the ones Eel has taken. Don't let Eel fool you, he's an accomplished hunter of all species, not just turtles.

I just pickup up a 30-378 and have been debating on handloading some ammo for them as the factory ammo seems a bit weak. Next year the WWWC (World Wide Wildlife Commission) is thinking about classifying them as Dangerous Game in which case a .375 will be the mimimum caliber. Also talk the SWF is going to get involved which means all tags might be available only by a fixed drawing.... and if you don't have a lot of money your odds go way down of ever getting a tag. Keep your fingers crossed this doesnt happen.

Baiting is about the most effective way of bringing them in. I know many are against it but the don't respond to calls and spot and stalk is next to impossible because of all their eyes. I've been using bread crumbs and nuts with good results. Be safe out there and watch your back.
I heard of a couple of huge bull turtles being taken this year by the Mosshell crew. Old Doily always pulls them out of his sleeve. I heard there's speculation that one of the big bulls may have been farm raised and released. And also that the other one was supposedly shot behind a one foot high fence. But you know how that goes with the rumor mill. I received a couple pictures on my phone but of course since I don't have permission I can't post them here. You know how Doily is, if you wanna play you gotta pay. Photos probably will not surface until after the video is released. I heard this one is going to be called "Pond Suckers IV". Suffice it to say that half the guys around here are Doily haters and will do anything to sully his reputation and the other half is on their knees in front of him hoping to get some of those finders fees.
Thanks JB that good to know and yes I knew that Eel has a couple trophy's that made the book. It was Eel that introduced me to spider hunting four or five years ago and showed me some of his proven techniques but I still a long way to go as the learning curve is a sharp one.

I hoped that Eel would have chimed in to this post but as everyone knows he turned pro a few years ago and is probably in another country hunting exotic spiders or turtles and filming hunts for future episodes of his spider / turtle hunting television show.

You mentioned that you are a OM for the Big & Scary Society and I wanted to know if you could give me some tips on how to field judge these critters.. You know the little things I should look for that separate a real wall hanger from a average trophy.
Damn Feleno I was thinking I would be able to use my .300 RUM as I know my trusty .270 would never do but now after reading your post it looks as though I am way under-gunned. Maybe I should start searching for a .375 since the WWWC is considering classifying them as dangerous game and I will have the minimum caliber at least. Starting to sound like this could get pricey but that's hunting right?

That's really disappointing news about the SWF, I sure hope they do not get involved as I have terrible luck when it comes to fixed drawings and I don't have a lot of money. Guess those trips to Kona must be pretty expensive that a few certain MM'ers go on every year but I won't mention any names.

When it comes to baiting I have no problem at all using bait... I thought everybody used bait because as you mentioned with all those eyes you CANNOT stalk them and stand hunting without bait is pretty much a waste of time as they are all but impossible to pattern.


Well now it looks like I have lots of planning and preparation to do, camo selection, new .375 rifle, check with airlines to book a flight, tag issues and the list just goes on.

A trophy hunters work is never done.
NV I had also heard that a couple of big bulls were taken but I was not aware that it was the Mosshell crew. I wouldn't pay much attention to the rumors about the farm raised turtles or the one that was supposedly shot behind the fence. You know how the jealous types and the skeptics are, they just can't congratulate a successful hunter nope they would rather bash them.

By the way do you think you could send me the photos that you received on your phone? I won't tell anyone and it would be just between you and I but I would sure like to take a look.
Do any of them have 15" bases???
man you guys are some donkeys ha ha, this is one the greats for 2010 for sure...but i got a question who does one get to do a good mount on them big and scaries? Did anyone have a real outstanding mount done last year? Well we know felano always has fantastic mounts but they are always x-rated....glad i am able to come back to MM for a while


has anyone seen my kittie
LAST EDITED ON Feb-21-10 AT 05:03PM (MST)[p]I was able to get a good video of eel in action....quite a teacher too...his breeding sounds more like ransom

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Who says you have to kill a 200" muley or a 400" bull to be famous and happy?


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.

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