Turning in Tags


Long Time Member
Just wondering how many of you have had to turn a cherished tag in for medical reasons and how long did it take for it to quit hurting. I just turned in my long awaited Wy78 antelope tag and my long awaited Nebraska Elk tag.
Broke my hand 7 weeks ago no big deal a few pins and I'll hunt both seasons. After surgery unbelievable swelling and pain Doc has no answer and really doesn't care even stands me up for appointment I see a nurse instead. Pain still incredible after 5 weeks Swelling about double normal size fingers curling. Dr. assures me nothing to worry about it will go down just trauma. Dumb a$$ me I listen. At 6 weeks he pulls the pins my favorite statement of his "huh I wonder why its still so swollen and is curled up". I finally get it, get a second opinion. Results I have Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, Never heard of it myself but wrist, and all hand joints curl and locked, tremors no control at all. The brain needs to relearn hand exists, it might or it could turn into a atrophied club. Therapy 10 times a day. I'll also miss deer season. It will be the first time in 36 years I won't hunt big game. Dang my lucky year of tag drawing turned sour quick. Any of you hunters had RSD and how did it turn out? The web sites on it sure don't give a guy much confidence. Good luck to all of you and post pictures and stories I need something to keep me going. Enjoy each hunt it could be your last.
Sorry to hear the bad news cornhusker. Get more opinions! I've never had anything wrong, knock on wood. Hang in there and keep us posted.

WOW- I imagine that's hard your mind as much as anything. I Once drilled a 1/4 inch hole through my palm the day before deer season- but was still able to hunt so I do understand how with all the issues that come along with your hand, loosing your chance to hunt still hits hard for you.

I have a friend who was in a helicopter crash wile conducting deer surveys. He put his hands out to brace for impact and ended up with the chopper on top of his hand for several hours. Whne they finally got it off of him his hand had been without blood/oxygen for so long he had a similar condition as yours.

I bring this up because he too was faced with the possibility that his movement might never return. Progress was very slow, and everytime you saw him he could only move his hand a tiny bit more than the last. But it did come back! Hang in there, keep positive, and keep up the agonizing work.

good luck. In NM we allow for the re-issue of tags in very special medical circumstances. It might be worth a shot to write a letter and see if you can get the tags for next year- I've seen it happen.

Thanks for the encouragement, it does help. Wyoming won't even let me purchase a point since I already drew also lost my point I had accumulated. I found that disappointing since I think wyoming is really great to work with.
Wow that sucks. if you can get away from your doctor when season comes maybe you could take your wife or kid or someone to "help" you shoot? or maybe with a little thinking come up with a way you could handle a gun with some help. I hate to see you burn good tags if there's any way you can go, maybe that's not even an option . in any event get well and good luck.
Oh no, Rick! That really stinks. I hope you get full use back and if you do then it was worth it to miss a couple of hunting seasons so you can enjoy more in the future, right? I hope so. Hang in there. Keep us posted.

Thanks again. my first priority is trying to get a hand back. I'll scout from some guys in the area and do a lot of walking to try to keep in shape. Never heard of such a weird thing occuring it occurs in 1 % of hand fractures and if recognized early isn't a problem usually. The treatment is physical therapy scrub with a machine, soup can now, machine when I make progress, and carry a rolled towel at first. All the way up to carrying a 1lb weight in a week for 1 minute. Changing my screen name to the Hulk.

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