Turkey #2 hit the dirt this am!!


Active Member
Had jakes and hens come in early and then about 0800 I heard a yelp from behind me and yelped back, what happened next was simply awesome!!! 9 hens and four long beards came clucking, purring and gobbling into my decoys and camped out for about 10 minutes. I had a dandy gobbler all strutted up at 4 yards next to my blind but didn't have a shot. About minute number 9 one of the long beards finally made it out into my shooting lane and strutted his stuff, that's when I sent a fixed blade 125 thunderhead right threw him at 22 yards and that's all she wrote.... I can't get enough of this archery turkey slaying!!!
He's another 20+ lber with a 10 inch beard and 1 inch spurs!!

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