Tur Hunt Azerbaijan June 2015 - Anyone up for it?


Active Member
Booked a hunt with Mirbala for June 2015. As of now I am the only one going. Anyone else interested in this hunt? Shoot me a PM for more info. I don't mind sharing camp. Cost is $8500 if I can get someone else to go. Possibly less if more are interested. I'm not doing this to save money, just think it would be cool to share the experience with some other Americans. They of course would split us up during our actual hunt (share main camp, then go out in different directions each day type of thing)

It will be in the Sheki region of Azerbaijan. I've been told this is the best area, and the most extreme... I picked June because its the start of the season. Animals are not as spooked. It was also recommended to me by someone I trust who has done the hunt many times. June is also great because it doesn't interfere with any of those fall hunts we might have going on. Will also be great to get everyone in shape for the fall.

For those unfamiliar with this hunt, many say its one of the hardest mountain hunts in the world. The Caucasus Mountains are no joke. You will camp in tents on the mountain and do some serious hiking to get to the animals.

Here is a youtube video of Colorado Buck doing basically the same hunt. It will give you a good idea.

As far as travel. You can't beat Turkish Airlines. I've been to asia a few times and have never had a problem. One of the most gun friendly airlines you will find. I will be flying direct LAX to Istanbul, then short flight to Baku.

If you are going to any of the upcoming shows and want to talk to the outfitter. His name is Mirbala Manafov. One of the more well known guides in this region of the world.


and as for me. I'm easy going and have a little experience hunting in Asia. You can check out some of my previous hunts here.

I am also booked for Azerbaijan this June, but not with Mr. Manafov. The dagestan tur should be a great hunt. Good luck when you go!
Maybe we'll cross paths! What dates are you going?

If anyone is interested in this hunt shoot me a pm. If we can get a few hunters together the price can drop a good bit.
Definitely on my list, just can't swing this year.

I am wondering if its feasible to go shoot a Tur, then shuttle somewhere else and get a Mid asian ibex while you are already over there....

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