TTech signs not shown by ESPN


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I don't know the entire story. I know Leach was fired over treating this guy in an improper way. Did he lock him in a shed or something? I know his Dad is a football guy with ESPN. What did Leach do wrong? And why was James complaining?

He was in a locker'room with trainers

This is nothing but the AD finding a way
to get rid of Mike Leach.

ML is a Freakey' doubt...

But he took their football program
to one Hell of a level.

The AD had the GALL to talk about how
rough Mike Leach is......

This is a University that had for a B'ball
coach MR. BOBBY KNIGHT.......

F'n SPARE me.

Leach got screw'd


Hey there Larry,
ESPN showed pictures of the "locker room" they put him in. I'm not sure about you, but I've never seen a big lawnmower parked in any locker room I was in. I think ESPN called it a "field house". Don't know the whole story nor do I care but sounds like you don't either. Probably a subject best left to those that are in the know don't you think?

It's always an adventure!!!
Good GRAVY....

Did They WATERBOARD the young man ??

What Wimpy' Punks have we become ???


I dont care what room they put him in.

You people are WIMPS

This whole deal got blow WAAAAAAYYY out of proportion. Was it a big deal that the kid got locked in a shed? - Well sort of, but really it was just a matter of a coach trying to control his team and the perception of the incident was worse than the incident itself.

Was it big enough that Leach should get fired? HELL NO! Again, it was the perception that Tech couldn't live with.

What got him fired was the fact that the whole incident became a major pissing contest between Leach, the Administration and ESPN who rallied around Craig James - one of ther hallowed analysts - and the only person whose neck was left out on the chopping block was Leach and what makes it worse is that ESPN has now painted him in to such a corner and made such a villian out of him that he might never be able to coach DI again. Sad too because he is a freaking genius. Watch for him to land an offensive coordinator job in the NFL though.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
If he did that to my kid I'd have his arss too. Leach is interviewing with Oakland....can't wait for the drama.

"You tell me Steve."

Thats why I'm asking you, jerky! I don't know what he did...thus the question I previously asked. And, this time, please don't retort with another question cuz I don't have the answer!

I just read Roy's it....thanks ROY!

The guy got locked in a shed for being a meow? Probably not the right thing to do but not anything to get fired over. It probably really hurt the kids feelings...


I'm sure he could coach in D1 again. If he's that good of a coach, someone will take a chance on him. Look at Coach Knight as mentioned before.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-10 AT 05:34AM (MST)[p]All this rambling....did you guys like the pics or not from the Alamo Bowl game? LMAO Apparently class runs pretty deep in that family. Craig James was a part of the TCU "paying players" scandal back in the day. That is why TCU has just now recently been allowed back to bowl games and such. What it boils down to is the kid was a punk and Leach was trying to teach him a lesson in a non physical way and Leach lost. We will miss him. If the kid was not getting played he should have left. ESPNs commentary has been completely one sided too! BS I call
LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-10 AT 06:07AM (MST)[p]Daddy James played at SMU, not TCU. He helped ruin that program for 20 yrs, now screwing up TT.
Your right I had TCU on the brain because of this weeks Bowl game. Please make correction where needed:)
If there isn't, i'm surprised that there is no major upheaval reaction from the players of Tech who just lost their winning Coach. I know that when i was a player, there was no questioning of the Coaches authority, period, and that they basically were put in control of your life, both good and bad. You did have choices, you could leave, drop out, or man up and do as he tells you, but this crybaby took it to daddy and i feel not for him, or his Father, under any circumstances.

Hey Wiz, ever hear of Google? Try it out, lots of info there :)

I don't know all the facts or the entire story but I sure get the feeling the coach got screwed!

Success is failure that tried one more time
Great posters.

When ESPN and the Craigs are gone the Admin will have to deal with the alumni. I think TT picked the wrong team to side with.
Funny how all you TT guys know more than the AD, President and above all the kids on the team. Leach was a nut job/power tripper. It seemed to me that the players were relieved. There was obviously more to this than locking a kid in a closet, so wake up and realize Leach fired himself. Just looking at the guys creeps me out....he's got more issues than will ever be known.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-10 AT 01:02PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-10 AT 12:58?PM (MST)

>Like sands through an hour glass.........

Hey there now Becki! Don't you be making fun of us guys and our soap operas! Just because they don't have fake onscreen intercourse, murderous villians and villianesses, cheesy lighting and music doesn't make them any less viable entertainment! I mean with all the intrigue and plot twists of this story - what is there not to love?? Besides the WCW and WWE Sportscenter is one of the best male dramas out there! And it is real!! So HA! LMBO... ;-)

BTW CJ - the signs were freaking hilarious. And FOX showed a ton of them on their highlight shows - funny though like you pointed out, ESPN didn't.

Losing Leach is bad for the Big 12 - I mean who are they going to get that is going to produce teams that will be competitive against Texas and Oklahoma like the Red Raiders have been the past few years?

People can say what they want about how Leach ran his team and how he was a control freak and how he was abrasive or this and that but the bottom line is that with him as the head coach that game is always a freaking scary date on the schedule for all other Big 12 teams - especially in Lubbock. Do you know when Texas lost that game last year? On the Thursday before the game when Leach told the country that his O-line was "nasty" and laughed about it. Sorry but that exuded a confidence that struck a major chord with everyone. All of Lubbock was way pumped for that game, and though I tried to ignore it and downplay it, I saw the writing on the wall and I think the Longhorns did too. Then when they walked out on that field, heard that crowd, saw Brandon Carter with all that mascara running down his face with that scowl - it was "Katie bar the door!"

At the time I was tutoring one of the UT defensive lineman (won't say who) but shortly after Tech had built up that big lead they showed him sitting on the bench just kind of looking around the stadium with this dazed look on his face and I knew it was over. I had another commitment and I missed most of the rest of the game and when I came back and saw how close Texas had made it - I was totally surprised. Then we missed that easy interception and Crabtree made that catch and man you could have heard a pin drop in my neighborhood. I had to go out and take a walk to chill out and it was silent. But that is the price you pay for being a college football fan!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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