Trying to plan ahead-WY suggestions?


Very Active Member
I'm hoping to take a friend of mine on her first antelope hunt. Our group owes her and her husband greatly, as they allow us to come to their property in Nebraska and chase turkey every couple of years, and they in off years come here to flip sticks at elk. Lori has wanted most to try antelope hunting, so I put in a dual application in Wyoming, for a great area with not so great odds.

So, I'm trying to plan ahead as I know that we can realistically buy undersubscribed tags in private land areas. Now I know I can get a landowner list from WYGFD, but my experience with the ones I've contacted in the past hasn't been all that great.

Anyway, if anyone can steer me to a couple areas or landowners that would be willing to help me show a new 'goat hunter a great time, I'd appreciate it. We are willing to pay a REASONABLE trespass fee, or I'm willing to work for the privilege!

If your willing to hunt with archery tackle and move north one state you might find some really great pronghorn hunting.
If you are looking for a pay type hunt with guaranteed tags you might look at NMex. You could pick and choose a hunt there. You also might look through the draw stats on the Wyo website. There are loads of units in the NE corner of the state with leftover tags available every year.
Thanks guys.....Irl, we are both known to flip sticks, any particular area I should look at? I don't think I've ever applied for prongies in MT!
pred....what area did you apply for?? If you don't get drawn, like suggested, you could apply for MT. The 700 unit in eastern MT. has great odds for non-resi's and great places to find antelope. I think apps are due sometime in June, so gives you some time to think about it and do a little research if needed. You would be suprised at how many landowners are willing to let you hunt their property for antelope. I have been fortunate to hunt antelope in both states 3 out of the last 4 years, so if you need some more help let me know.
Muley we applied for 62. I know I can get 23 tags the second time around, but most of the land I used to hunt is now methane wells. I'll do some more checking on MT, what does a NR tag run up there?
Non-resi antelope tags in MT. are up to $205 this year. I was in WY. 26 this last year....your right about the Methane wells. I've even heard that the companies are paying some of the landowners, sheep farmers, cattle farmers, money for feed as they cannot keep the normal food plantions for their animals because the Meth plants are using so much water in all the surrounding areas. Still a lot of great places to hunt and antelope to be shot....especially with your bow. Good luck on the draws.
I wouldn't be discouraged on Wyoming either. My experience has been that you have to "wade" through a lot of "NOs" and some "BS" but generally the people are great and you just have to find the one that meets your criteria for $$ and trophy expectations. Good luck!

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