Trying to do something great for my Old Man


New Member
My first post, Please go easy on me, haha. This is definitely a shot in the Dark. Truth be told I Really just want to do something nice for my Dad, who absolutely loves hunting. I have been living in Utah during the winters for 10 years now, have never hunted in this state, but have fished many, many places here. I am originally from NY state (Adirondacks). I am primarily a fishing guy, Though I have killed a few white tails and a lot of small game. I'm 36, I have worked the last 4 summers as a Sport fishing guide up in Alaska (I know how to deal with bears, LOL). My dad is 68, he can still cover ground pretty good though. What I am trying to do is get some info or access for my dad to come out here and hunt a mule deer buck or bull elk. Maybe on private land? Maybe a management deer/bull? Not looking to spend $5,000 plus for a single animal though. Not really looking for a "Trophy", seriously its going to be about the Father/ Son experience, and seeing some new country. Getting an "ok" buck/bull for him would be fine by us (think decent 4x4 or so, better if it is a possibility). I have put in a lot of hours already on the "Utah hunt planner" and google earth, researching the different units here and trying to figure out the draw system, drawing odds and what units to put in for in 2018. We have no preference points, as this is the first time I have decided to work on this for my Dad. A bull elk tag would be nearly impossible to get it seems... unless I was on the computer waiting to apply for a general season Bull tag at 7:59 am on that fateful day in July along with thousands of others. Or paying a land owner $$$$ for a tag they get to sell to outfitters. Man... Utah hunting seems to be more about money than it is about carrying on a pastime. Kinda sad, but there are a lot of nice animals here, and a lot of hunters too. The short seasons here seem to put crowds in the woods, and I am not so used to that, nor am I excited to see more orange moving around than animals if we do go DIY on public lands. Is this generally the case? I wouldn't know honestly.
I have put some boots on the ground in the past few weeks scouting some public lands in the Wasatch and Uinta areas, learning the public land locations and access points in those areas. I have also scouted a couple places near Strawberry. Now that we have snow though, finding places may be harder. I do have a good 4x4 truck, and I do have a snowmobile here that is registered, so my scouting can continue throughout the winter (if I'm not to busy ice fishing with it, haha).

Heres the deal... My dad has never hunted here in the west, but has killed many nice Whitetails back east, and in eastern Canada. I am hoping to find someone who might be interested in making a new friend and maybe do some hunt exchange stuff, or maybe even a couple decent guys on here who could help point me in the right direction for getting a good animal in Utah in 2018.

We own some pretty decent hunting property in the Adirondacks in Northern NY, but its not a "trophy" property. We don't get $$$ for people to hunt, we hunt with friends and family... like it was in the old days. Like it should be I guess. Its 220 acres of our land and access to adjacent 1500 private acres as well, and a bunch of state land near by. We own the areas with water, and have a good population of does and some resident bucks. The bigger bucks usually start to show up during the rut in November. We've gotten some nice White tails there over the years. Black Bear, Turkey, and grouse also. The deer aren't usually monster trophies like you see on TV or anything, but we get some good ones. The hunts there can be a bit harder as it is almost all forest. Taller trees, and not as much open country like here in Utah. We've got tree stands set up throughout the property, a food plot planted, wild apple trees, lots of tall oaks (acorns), Beech nuts etc. A cabin that I built to stay in, or a fifth wheel on the property a mile away from my Dad's house, a 2 acre trout pond with browns and brook trout.
NY Buck tags and Bear tags are 100% over the counter, no draw. You are guaranteed tags if you buy the license. You CAN hunt the Rut in NY as that happens during general rifle season in November. We are in the Northern Zone in NY.
Season Dates:
Archery- Sep. 27- Oct. 20, Late Archery Dec. 4- Dec. 10 (buck or doe for earlier season)
Cross Bow- Oct. 11-20 (buck or doe)
Muzzle Loader-Oct. 14-20 (buck or doe)
General Rifle- Oct. 21-Dec. 3 (buck only)

You could hunt here in Utah, and then head east to bag a white tail or bear, turkeys, during the NY general season. Anyone here in Utah have a little slice of paradise you would share in exchange for access to ours? We're Respectful, LAWFUL, hunters and fishermen, and would expect similar ethics from those who might respond. Pm me maybe?

Hey its worth a shot? Thanks in advance for any replies.
I may be your Huckleberry.

I've been to the Adirondacks and I think they are spectacular. Hunting and fishing there would be as much of a thrill for me as hunting the west is for a New Yorker.

I am your father's age, so I'd probably have more in common with him than you..... and if I ever hear or see you refer to him as "my Old Man" again, I'll leave you, to walk off the mountain! Just so we understand each other, from the start.

I enjoy making new friends and especially those who love the outdoor life style i.e: hunting and fishing. I've helped a few and been helped by a few, over the years.

I have a pretty fair understanding of the Utah hunting/application/draw system. I have first hand knowledge of 6 or 7 deer and elk units, the terrain, access, average age class of the big game and a pretty good knowledge of where the game animals are, during the different seasons of the year.

I own a very humble and small cabin at 9000 ft on the Fish Lake mountain, about 1.5 miles from Fish Lake. It's stays dry and is rodent free. :D. I live about 35 miles from the cabin, near Richfield, Approximately 2.5 hours south of Salt Lake City.

If your interested in discussing some options that may work for you and your Dad, here in Utah, check your PM inbox, I'll provide my phone number, so you can call if you are interested.

Thanks for the reply, we will have to chat. I just set up my account so it may take me a little while to get the PM. Bear with me. I won't call my Dad "Old man" anymore, HAHA. Though he does call me "Sonny boy" and I'm ok with it. :)
"We're Respectful, LAWFUL, hunters and fishermen, and would expect similar ethics from those who might respond."

2Lumpy might be your best/only option. :D
>"We're Respectful, LAWFUL, hunters and fishermen,
>and would expect similar ethics
>from those who might respond."
>2Lumpy might be your best/only option.

lmao eel.....ain't that the truth..

A complement from either you two is fraught with suspicion, like a spider to a fly!

Shut you damn mouths, your going to blow my cover. :)

That sentence at the end of my post is probably why I haven't gotten a ton of responses, HAHA. What can I say, we follow the rules... as best we can of course. It is totally legal to sign your tag over to anyone else with a big game license in New York so perhaps the rules are a little more lax there. It is also legal to shoot a black bear while on a deer hunt because the seasons and zones overlap. You can shoot buck or doe during Archery and Muzzle loader, but you can't just drop a doe during regular rifle season. You can shoot a buck with spikes though, 3" spikes counts a as a general season buck in our zone, though we try to shoot at least 6 pointers (6 total points). What I actually meant... I don't really want guys driving around drinking, throwing empties out the window, doing burn outs and donuts on our roads and shooting out of the driver side window while the truck is running. And we don't want guys driving up and down the public paved roads at night trying to poach with spot lights after legal hunting hours on someone else's private property.... stuff like that.
HaHa jac515 you got yelled at by Lumpy! Lol!

DeLoss is a true gentleman and father figure. He and I were talking on the phone once and I can have a potty mouth sometimes. I can't remember if he actually said something about it or it was the tone in his voice but I knew never to do that again.

Thanks Deloss
Your friend


"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
+1 DW


"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
LAST EDITED ON Nov-22-17 AT 09:51PM (MST)[p]Thank you to the guys that have responded!! Your help has been greatly appreciated. I've already made a couple new outdoorsman fiends. I hope you all know I am not expecting some kind of big money hunt swap or anything. Just making contacts and helpful friends who may some day want to come visit my home grounds out east.

I'm not Sure if it is very relevant on this forum, but I didn't mention that there are also salmon and steelhead running from Sep-Nov in NY (King Salmon early and Steelhead later). That is actually more my specialty, fishing guiding. Hunting is my Dads specialty. You could Hunt for whitetail on private land ...alone/with us, and maybe take a short overnight or 2 day trip to salmon and steelhead fish with fly rods on lake Ontario tributaries.

Here you all thought NY was just that Big stinky old city. HAHA. Its a pretty big state actually. Kind of a magical place once you head north towards Canada, its a bit of a national secret if you ask me.

A couple pics, Some fish and a good Buck off our property.




Every thing Jac has said about New York State is true. Took a drive, for ten days, through the State a few years ago, it's amazing. Huge beautiful lakes, white water rivers, thick hardwood forests, whitetail deer feeding in grassy meadows, wild turkeys working the treelines, canoes, kayaks, amazing rural historic sites, and the rural people and the rural towns are as country minded as any rural people in the west. They killed over 210,000 whitetail deer in 2016 in New York State. Sold over 500,000 deer tags.

If you get a change to work something out that will help Jack and his Dad come west to hunt deer and elk, you will be stunned at all you can do, if you go to New York to hunt or fish.

If you want to see what upstate New York looks like, rent the movie Last of the Mohicans, filmed in 1992. The rural part of the State, which is the majority of the State looks very much like the scenes in that movie.

I've talked Jac his week, I believe he will go out of his way to make sure a mutually beneficial relationship is very favorable. If you can help him get what he is wanting for his Dad, I'll wager you'll never regret it.


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