Try this

Very cool - but let me be the first to call BS, might have to try it though.

Keep the Sun at Your Back and the Wind in Your Face
C'mon badlands, we know you tried it, WTF happened?? ;-)

Tried it once with a raw hotdog. Cooked it to a nice stage of "done". OK, not really. Sounded good though. :)

Can't you just see the wheels turning now. Everyone is trying to find a raw hotdog and four cell phones and enough other lines to make the test. :)
RE: It works......kind of

Yea right!......we tried it with a can of sardines. Two of them actually came back to life!
LAST EDITED ON Aug-29-08 AT 09:40AM (MST)[p]This was just on MSN's list of Top 10 E-mail hoaxes!!!

It was even more popular than Bill Gates trying to share his fortune through e-mail forwarding...although I liked that one better myself. There's always hope, right? Ha, ha

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