Trump to protect hunting


Long Time Member
Who says the Donald doesn't listen or know what his public wants. In his thank you tour tonight he made mention of protecting hunting and fishing for Americans and his boys as part of his agenda.........Hooyea He listened to us boys!! I'll bet the anti's are taking malox right now knowing that a lot of crap they've used to oppose us is over!!
Trump will be one of the best presidents for hunters and gun rights in a long, long, time.

Donald Jr and Eric are avid hunters. I think they will provide some input in Sec of interior and management as well.
Does this mean the price of ammo will come back down to earth? I hope he can undo some of the damage done over the last 8 years. The left can never control guns but they sure have raised hell with the cost to use them.
Well there hasn't been a run on shooting supply's like the last election. So that is a good start. I hope it only gets better from here.
although i agree with most republicans, one item i don't agree with is, the republican party largely supports the transferring of federal lands to the states. i know trump has stated that he has no desire to let that happen, so i hope that he/we can help prevent it. i think the second amendment is pretty well protected. so i think that hunting will be mostly affected by the losing of public lands, and privatization of said lands. just my opinion

"Shoot Straight"
I was talking to a fellow out hunting this year about this. He said from Trumps boy he heard this . That the federal government would keep the land, but he would give more control to the local governments. I liked the sound of that better.
I spent $3500 Hitious Hillary proofing my home.

I'm still glad I did.

I will keep my guns my ammo and OUR public lands.
This restructure of the BLM rule is exactly how we got many uses of federal land taken away in the first place. Notice the verbage on wanting more influence (control) to public comments for usage. Hunters and fisherman don't write letters and enviro groups and anti's do and public opinion is used to change things........ They walk into meetings with stacks of letters showing the public's support for changes and it happens.

In many cases they use petitions signed by nonresidents/ foreign visitors to influence the show of support. That's how we wind up with them getting control of things, they really couldn't care less about our right's to utilize, but don't fit into their agenda's. They change the rules of the game to make them work for them and I've seen it happen on many issues that effect our right's to hunt and fish. Anti's don't buy hunting and fishing licenses or sporting goods to help fund Pittman Robertson funds for our F&G departments. They write letters and buy a stamp and exert influence more lethal than any shot fired from a gun, or a cast from a rod, hoping to cause our extinction, and do it for less than the cost of a one day fishing permit.
While all of this is welcome and exciting news, I, for one, am not about to let my guard down. Until all of these promised benefits filter down to the typical/average sportsman/woman, I'll keep voicing my opinions and concerns as much as I can. I suspect that Donald's boys will be able to fish and hunt no matter what happens, but that doesn't necessarily translate into opportunities for you and me to do the same. The anti's (gun control advocates, animal rights people, wilderness societies & environmentalists,) are obvious opponents to our outdoor lifestyle, but we also will have battles with others (cattlemen, sheepmen, lumber companies, atv'ers, energy companies, miners, developers, etc.) whose views and actions will negatively impact that lifestyle. And, unfortunately, some of those battles will continue to take place within our own ranks. Just because we all call ourselves hunters and fishermen, that doesn't automatically put us on the same side of all issues and I will advocate as hard as I am able for as much opportunity/permits and access as is biologically, legally, financially, logistically, and socially sustainable (in that order) no matter who the opponent is.
>Hopefully in most states........Prob Not In

YOur a state? Hell rumor is California is threatening succession. Wish they would hurry, hell Trump should trade them to Mexico for a case of Modelo, or a six pack, hell he should send them some trump steaks and trump water if they will take it.

I will believe it when I see actual law, not EO's. EO's from Trump can be overturned, I want actual bills before congress about land.

As for guns, I agree, I think he will be good, but lets face it him doing nothing beats what the alternative was.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
LAST EDITED ON Dec-09-16 AT 10:13AM (MST)[p]Hossblur is right, but we must understand the EO while removable does offer a layer of protection and a foundation for change allowing them to write more permanent legislation. Protective hunting and fishing laws are the only way you'll be able to guarantee that your kids and grand kids will be able to hunt and fish. The way they've managed to tie our federal and state agencies up is by layering the legislation. This is exactly why we need protective legislation at the federal and state levels. It's exactly why they'll spend millions opposing it when on the ballot or awaiting congressional approval.

You guys need to keep focused on the main objective in this and don't let them divide you by putting something in a bill to divide us, which is a routine trick opposing members in congress do to create havoc. Get your protection put in place FIRST and then deal with any other issue surrounding it. They already are throwing around selling federal lands to confuse the issue.

So let's see is it worth protecting hunting forever for a small block of land in the process? I say it is knowing that ANY OTHER LAND SALES WILL HAVE TO GO THROUGH CONGRESS AGAIN AND WOULD MOST LIKELY BE OPPOSED!

I have no way of knowing what they'll do but based on what's being thrown out there I suspect that's whats coming. Besides you can all call your Congressman and tell them to remove it or reduce it and get their take on it! But bear in mind sometimes we have to give in order to take. Don't fall into the trap that it opens the door for more sales. Evaluate the bill's overall value in the big picture.

Trumps announcement let them know we're going to make a run at them so god only knows what will come up. Hopefully it will be a simple bill with nothing attached and will make complete sense but the DEMS have too much invested to just let us have our freedom. So be prepared!

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