True Sportsmanship - Would you do this?


This is an amazing and heart touching story. I have to say that I probably wouldn't do the same, but then I again I probably wouldn't tear my ACL rounding the bases after a home run either. Either way it is a great story...

Opponents carry injured home-run hitter around bases
Associated Press

Updated: April 30, 2008, 7:40 PM EST

With two runners on base and a strike against her, Sara Tucholsky of Western Oregon University uncorked her best swing and did something she had never done, in high school or college. Her first home run cleared the center-field fence.
But it appeared to be the shortest of dreams come true when she missed first base, started back to tag it and collapsed with a knee injury.

She crawled back to first but could do no more. The first-base coach said she would be called out if her teammates tried to help her. Or, the umpire said, a pinch runner could be called in, and the homer would count as a single.

Then, members of the Central Washington University softball team stunned spectators by carrying Tucholsky around the bases Saturday so the three-run homer would count - an act that contributed to their own elimination from the playoffs.

Central Washington first baseman Mallory Holtman, the career home run leader in the Great Northwest Athletic Conference, asked the umpire if she and her teammates could help Tucholsky.

The umpire said there was no rule against it.

So Holtman and shortstop Liz Wallace put their arms under Tucholsky's legs, and she put her arms over their shoulders. The three headed around the base paths, stopping to let Tucholsky touch each base with her good leg.

"The only thing I remember is that Mallory asked me which leg was the one that hurt," Tucholsky said. "I told her it was my right leg and she said, 'OK, we're going to drop you down gently and you need to touch it with your left leg,' and I said 'OK, thank you very much."'

"She said, 'You deserve it, you hit it over the fence,' and we all kind of just laughed."

"We started laughing when we touched second base," Holtman said. "I said, 'I wonder what this must look like to other people."'

"We didn't know that she was a senior or that this was her first home run," Wallace said Wednesday. "That makes the story more touching than it was. We just wanted to help her."

Holtman said she and Wallace weren't thinking about the playoff spot, and didn't consider the gesture something others wouldn't do.

As for Tucholsky, the 5-foot-2 right fielder was focused on her pain.

"I really didn't say too much. I was trying to breathe," she told The Associated Press in a telephone interview Wednesday.

"I didn't realize what was going on until I had time to sit down and let the pain relax a little bit," she said. "Then I realized the extent of what I actually did."

"I hope I would do the same for her in the same situation," Tucholsky added.

As the trio reached home plate, Tucholsky said, the entire Western Oregon team was in tears.

Central Washington coach Gary Frederick, a 14-year coaching veteran, called the act of sportsmanship "unbelievable."

For Western Oregon coach Pam Knox, the gesture resolved the dilemma Tucholsky's injury presented.

"She was going to kill me if we sub and take (the home run) away. But at the same time I was concerned for her. I didn't know what to do," Knox said.

Tucholsky's injury is a possible torn ligament that will sideline her for the rest of the season, and she plans to graduate in the spring with a degree in business. Her home run sent Western Oregon to a 4-2 victory, ending Central Washington's chances of winning the conference and advancing to the playoffs.

"In the end, it is not about winning and losing so much," Holtman said. "It was about this girl. She hit it over the fence and was in pain, and she deserved a home run."

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Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Acts like this remind me there are good folks out there that have their priorities in order. Thanks for the story ROY.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
Cool story Roy,

Doubt it would happen in men's sports however,
too competitive, behave too asinine.
LAST EDITED ON May-01-08 AT 01:41PM (MST)[p]outstanding story, they should be very proud,,,, i just sent the link to a friend of mine who is the girls softball coach here,she's printing it out for her team to read,,,,,
The players for Central Washington University are a bunch of freaking losers! It's not their fault the girl (probably a blond) can't run the bases.

They will have no championship trophy to show their kids and grandkids. Only a stupid story, like the kind you hear on Oprah! Where's the glory in that???? Now the grandkids will be thinkin, "Grandma is a LOOOOOSER"

If the gal who went "yard" wanted it bad enough she could have dragged herself around the bases.

"Just win Baby" like my hero Al Davis of the Oakland Raiders would say.

j/k! that is a pretty nice story!
I was probably the one who tripped her in the first place, but seeing another person in pain like that wouldn't set too well with me so I'd help her around the bases, I guess. ;-) LOL

Really cool story, I thought! Good for those girls.

Good story Roy. Had my old lady in tears, she herself played for Bakersfield and went to the nationals. Now she's a full time pitching instructor at a sports acadamy. Her senior year in a play off game she had a grounder hit right at her feet, when she whent to field the ball it took a bad hop and bounced up striking her just above the eye. The trainer came out and put some vaseline and butterfly's on it and she went on to win the game. Then 8 stiches later on that night at the hospital. I knew then she was the gal for me :)

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Hey Eel - did you rent "Grumpy Old Men" or something last night? WTH??? (Heck) - You are killing me!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Would I help a college chick touch all the bases? Wounded or not, you bet!!!

j/k Great story, thanks for sharing.
Roy, I did not rent Grumpy Old Men. I had a bad week at work, and spend too much time listening to Jim Rome on ESPN radio. LOL!

That is a great story. It's been on one of the other websites I spend way too much time on, high school baseball web,for a few days, but I never figured it would find it's way here.

I think it says something about sportsmanship and it's unfortunate that most men's teams at that level would make the guy crawl if the umps wouldn't let them sub for him on a big fly. Ball stays in the yard however, that's a different story, throw his arse out!
On the other hand, I don't know of a single one of my college age or 17/18 year old players who wouldn't help a college chick around the bases. :D
As a follow up, Humboldt State University (our local University) beat Western Oregon University this last week-end (along with a few other teams) to advance to the National Division II championship softball tournament in Huston, TX. It's narrowed down to 8 teams. Humboldt plays their first game Wednesday and the game will be carried on a local radio station.

GO LADY 'JACKS! (lumberjacks)

HSU wins four games in a row to take the National Championship. Congratulations girls!


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