Trucker Bombs


Long Time Member
You are on a long road trip, you don't want to stop just to take a leak. You pee in an empty bottle to save time. Truckers do it all the time then throw the bottle out the window, hence the name Trucker Bomb. I travel a lot and have been known to use the bottle, but I don't throw it out the window, I just wait till I stop for gas or food to dispose of it. Anyone else?
I have a hard time finding a bottle with a big enough opening!! It is an art, I have done it before but almost ran off the road twice:) In the Words of Lloyd Christmas "Cant stop once you started it stings"!!!
I have carried one of those bottles that hospital patients use under the driver's seat for years. They not only have a wide opening, but they are curved to prevent any spilling while seated.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
I've done it a few times, but I don't throw it out the window, I just put the lid on tight, put the bottle on the floor, and wait til the next stop and toss it. Never put it back in the cup holder, that's just askin for trouble. Gatorade and Sobe bottles work well, I don't think I'd try it in a 20 oz soda bottle, too small a target.

In the words of Harry Dunn, "Watch the seat, watch the seat!!"

Nocked N Loaded
lmao I always stop!!!

You all need to watch this clip it is funny as hell. Same thing your talking about. What an ending lmao
F-Dude I could see you in that ride nice pimp mobile.

One more thought Feleno,, Probably better not to stop as you may leave the wife behind. lmao
I know exactly what you mean :)

funny link, I remember seeing that back in the day, great movie.
My wife would rather I stop and take the chance of leaving her, she hates holding the bottle on bumpy roads.
I've done it many times. I use a Mountain Dew bottle and put the lid back on and then at the next truck stop I stop at I go in and exchange it for a new bottle in the cooler. I think I may have helped Bess kick the MD habit that way.

I prefer a bottle with a small opening. Once I used a gatorade bottle with the bigger mouth and... well... it seemed to slip on easily... but felt pretty good... and well... one rambling thought lead to another and next thing I know I have the damn thing stuck on me. Took about 50 miles of thinking about anything else for the swelling to go down. :) The smaller bottle openings help to deter that urge.

One time we were travelling across Oregon on I84. It was cold and we missed the rest area and my wife had to go. She was a lot younger and more adventurous then so she searched the car and found an empty pint orange juice carton. Open up the lid and managed, with some contortions, to use it. LOL. I had forgotten that one. I will have to remind her.

Some of the above is true. Some not. But I ain't sayin which is which.
MUCH easier to just pull over in my opinion. Anyone else tired of seeing all the "trucker bombs" on the side of the road?

"The value of any trophy from the field depends not on its size but on the magnitude of the effort expended in its pursuit." ~ Aldo Leopold
I can honestly say that no, I have never had the desire to pee in a bottle at 80 mph rather than stop and pi$$ on the side of the road.

A real trucker (push start or pull start) just cuts a hole in the floor board.
Yep, more than a few times. I never throw the bottle. I always wait till I actually stop to dispose of it properly. My usual worry is an overfill. I usually only piss in a bottle/cup when I am about to explode and can't hold it any longer. I know I am so backed up I can probably come close to filling a 32 ouncer. So my concern is always is this big enough?
LAST EDITED ON Mar-09-10 AT 10:23AM (MST)[p]I do it on long trips and wait to throw the bottle away. A 32oz. gatorade bottle works well.

Oh, don't use paper soda cups. The acid in your pee will eventually eat away at the waxy stuff holding the cup together. I found that out the hard way.

Those fellas who mow grass along the roadside don't care much for piss bottle bombs.

Years ago I was recovering from ankle surgery. Went to Reno for a checkup and stopped at DQ to get a blizzard. Got to Reno, had to pee and gifured I would crutch my way into the Dr's office. Shut the truck off and was about to get out when this lady parks next to me and hits my truck hard enough to make it rock a little bit. Woman parks her car and as I am asking her about insurance, she walks off and tells me to call my own insurance..."that's what they're for".

I still had some of the blizzard left and I still had to pee and her window was cracked.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
I should have added that I NEVER do my thing while actually driving and only use the bottle as a a last resort, especially in areas where there are lots of cars or people who might be offended by someone peeing outside the car. Plus, it avoids a charge for public urination.

Instead, I pull to the side of the road or into a parking lot. Once I'm done, I just open the door partway and pour out the fruits of my labor. :)


How To Hunt Coues Deer
I always insert a catheter when departing on long road trips.

Painful at first, but oh so worth it on the long hauls.

Hopefully there will be no stories involving 10 gallon buckets.
This is one of the freaking grosses topics we have had on here in a long time!!

When I worked as a Pre-load Supervisor with UPS we would find them in the package cars from time to time. Gross as hell and could get a driver fired - or at least suspended. Sorry, you can find the time to find a bathroom or at least a tree! The worse though was when you realized the driver of that car the day before was a woman.

I'll bet you guys pee in the shower too!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Great post! Most of the good jokes have been taken.

Feleno- holding the bottle on a bumpy road? LMMFAO!!

I never have done that and really would not like to. I'd much rather take the additional 5 minutes to just pull over. I can understand why truckers do it as they only have so many hours to drive legally and every minute may count. It doesn't take that long to find an off ramp and pull over. It grosses me out to see the "bombs" on the side of the road though. Especially, when it's hotter than 100 degrees out. Just the thought of hot piss doesn't sit with me too well! Maybe I'm weird....

>Instead, I pull to the side
>of the road or into
>a parking lot.

So you're the guy they are looking for that is always exposing himself at the parking areas and along side the road.
Its really hard getting relaxed enough driving 70 through deer country to get the job done sometimes:) When you are trying to make up time it is worth it though!!
Funny stuff, kinda messed up however thinkin bout what Nv. said !
also bad image as Feddoc mentioned when the DOT boys mow one over & get an ol'fashion, golden shower.
I'm thinking some truckers chuckle every time they pass one of those mower dudes working the side of the road.
>MUCH easier to just pull over
>in my opinion. Anyone
>else tired of seeing all
>the "trucker bombs" on the
>side of the road?
>"The value of any trophy from
>the field depends not on
>its size but on the
>magnitude of the effort expended
>in its pursuit." ~ Aldo



Nets are for fish!!
>I'll bet you guys pee in
>the shower too!

Well of course we do Roy.. don't you? Thought everyone did.
i can tell ya its almost impossible to squeegee the poo through the tub drain with you big toe. Ohhh Roy said pee... never mind.
>i can tell ya its almost
>impossible to squeegee the poo
>through the tub drain with
>you big toe. Ohhh Roy
>said pee... never mind.


"The value of any trophy from the field depends not on its size but on the magnitude of the effort expended in its pursuit." ~ Aldo Leopold
geez Ram i don't think so, looks like a lot of work! I think next road trip I'll just wear some Depends.
I've never done it driving down the road, but I did fill a bottle and put it under the tire of a car parked next to a guy I really didn't like in high school. I didn't like either of them so it worked out great. That was a really bad lunch break for both of them.


All this time I thought I was losing my taste buds!
That's alright,the payback is gonna be a real bittch!
Military aircraft used to have "relief tubes" built in.

I have installed several in some of my boats, since it is illegal to actually pee into the lake.

I was never equipped to be able to unzip, adjust, and install my lower unit into a bottle......all while driving down the road. I have to stop and take my chances.

Around here, those "apple juice" bottles belong to skiers and snowboarders. They are only "green" when it is convenient for them.
See what our posts and reply's are reduced to.....I say bring back the nudes....LOL


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Lol, I actually did this two days ago while coming back from St. George.

I had been holding it all day when we stopped at my wife's cousins house. I was sitting out in the car and didnt want to ask to use the b room. I had an empty gatorade 32oz and thought it would work great. Well it worked great until the foam got to the top and started to spill over . I had to pinch and hold while looking for a backup.

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