

Long Time Member
Another thread in another Forum was asking about the price of a cape and i responded,"If you're in Calif. Here, can't be selling anything, racks, mounts, capes, sale, it's the law as far as i know."

I got to thinking, do i really know for sure that what i said was 100% correct. No, i don't. Not all the items i mentioned i don't. Someone who feels they know pretty much for sure or absolutely for sure, please inform or correct me if you will be so kind.



"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
LAST EDITED ON Nov-21-14 AT 08:46AM (MST)[p]OK, How does that get around the Law, about not selling any part of an animal?

I'd like to think that one day, the beneficiary of my estate won't have to throw away all my trophies. They won't care to have them but i feel i've a lot of years and some money tied up in taxidermy, and other misc trophy stuff i have accumulated.

On one hand i believe the Law does more good than the no laws that other states have but it's not so good when a person needs to liquidate an estate or a big collection. Are our trophies worthless?


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Hi Joey,
You can not sell "any" parts or even game heads taken under a hunting licsense in California. This goes for hides as well if they are yours taken under your hunting licsense. However, there is a section 3087 that permits taxidermists to sell hides if a someone dropped off a hide and did not pay for it.... They have to keep a detailed record of said hide and if you were buying it, I would contain a copy of that record of where it came from. The way I understand it, it lyes in the person of possesion to prove it was a legal transaction! So to me that means if they come asking, you are guilty until you prove your innocence.
Hope that helps.
Joey, I used to donate (as in give freely) deer capes to my local taxidermist. It's illegal to sell them. I think he can sell them as part of a finished mount, under strict regulation and records.

There is a "Ask the Warden" Forum on another site I visit and this subject came up recently. I think it is relevant to your question concerning your estate(mounted heads). I just copied and pasted the entire question and answer. Sorry if I misunderstood your question.

November 6, 2014

Question: Can my estate sell my collection of all of my old hunting gear that I have collected over the years as a piece of furniture? I have an old hat rack with the following items on it: My father?s old hunting hat and his brother?s old hunting hat, my father?s old hunting coat and his duck strap. On the coat are some old hunting licenses (1930?s and 1940?s), various duck pins, plus 1920 and 1942 Ducks Unlimited pins, and collections of duck bands on a cord. There are also some old pheasant tags/permits in one of the pockets from this same era.

What I'm most proud of is the duck strap that contains nine different species of mounted ducks hanging by their necks. They include: hen shoveler, blue wing teal, gadwall drake, pintail drake, widgeon drake, green wing teal drake, wood duck drake, ring necked duck drake and a small cross-bred duck.

I am aware that you can't sell mounted birds by themselves, but as they are part of the piece of furniture, can they be part of the total value and all sold together? All of this vintage hunting stuff belonged to my father and uncle, but I know once I pass on, no one else in my family will have any interest in keeping the stuff. I hope my estate will be able to sell this whole collection of treasures as a piece of furniture so as to not have to break it all up and lose the duck mounts. (Bob S., Modesto)

Answer: What a great collection!! Unfortunately, as you suspected, you cannot sell the ducks. Your best bet would be to sell the other items and donate the ducks. You could perhaps take the ducks out of the collection all together but then donate the strap of birds to the person who buys the other items.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-21-14 AT 11:01AM (MST)[p]My ex and her lawyer are trying to gouge me for way out of line value on my heads and antlers in the property settlement... In CA! I'm saying they have no monetary value in CA. Even elsewhere, a fraction of what they claim. Transporting across state lines with intent to sell would be a Lacey act violation. So they can't be sold. If she wants some, cool, lets decide (the thought of turning her in if she sells some has crossed my mind)... But she hates them. Always wanted them out of the house... First thing she told me to get. I guess I'll see...
Good stuff there guys, thanks!

So some clarification on what Ridn9 said, only gives Taxidermists the right to sell or charge for capes...and charge for his work but he can't pay for capes or other things like racks and stuff but can accept them as a "donations".

AntelerJ said, "You can not sell "any" parts or even game heads taken under a hunting license in California. This goes for hides as well if they are yours taken under your hunting license."

My first thought was, what if i took them with a Nevada or Wyoming hunting license, took the animal out of state entirely but live here?

My second thought later was the use of the word, "donation". seems there could get to be some liberal use of the word.

And thirdly, I'd hate to be the antler collector who years ago, invested thousands and thousands on a huge collection before the law was passed as it is now.

So, in a way, what i said in that other Forum was correct. If a guy lived in Cali, he could get in serious trouble by selling a cape from a animal that he had legally taken...unless he was a taxidermist and doing the required paperwork.

Eel, that Duck Strap varied display sounds pretty cool huh?. A buddy had something like that done with Smallmouth Bass from here local. He had five 4.5 - 6 pounders mounted hanging on a old cool looking solid brass stringer. A super nice display piece i envied every time i saw it.

As i said, i do like the non commercialization of our wildlife and respect the efforts that our Wardens put forth to protect game and reduce the amounts of game that reach the open markets. At the same time though, i hate the thinking that my old stuff hanging is valueless to most anybody but me when there is certain value of it in other states.

Fudd, I seen your stuff. Don't worry, it ain't worth much! :)


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