


LAST EDITED ON May-08-09 AT 08:20AM (MST)[p]Your in our thoughts and hope you comeback again soon!
we miss you.....sometimes its not the same with out you!
you too Roy!
heard about your loss I pray your pain ease's!
never easy for anyone!
for what it worth in you time of sorrow wish you a great mothers day..

You guys got me in trouble!
I thought Teek had ANOTHER loss, she said you guys are "slackers", this is old news!

She's happy as a lark today and laughing at us all!! :)

I haven't gone any where either - just busy so I am posting a little less. Besides, Jenn's post production has gone WAY down ever since I pulled off that amazing come-from-behind victory to reach the 3000 posts plateau first! It is like I took all her hopes of victory and respect and smashed them like a bug on the windshield - ripped her heart right out. Is she even to 3000 yet?

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON May-10-09 AT 09:39PM (MST)[p]ouch JB that was like jumpping on a bike with out a seat....its not the same but it still hurts!!!
MY PUTER TOOK A BELLY PUNCH AND I WAS WITH OUT AS LONG AS 3 WEEKS..............So your not prego again?



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