TripleK Pic?



My cuz just informed me that TripleK is a good looking chick. Does anyone agree with him? If anyone has a pic they could post up, it would be greatly appreciated.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-02-11 AT 01:43AM (MST)[p]I have a pic that Stinky sent me a while back that answers the question asked.....

I got put in time out for a bad signature! Sorry Founder...
Of course I'm a good lookin' chick, but my picture ain't goin' up on Monster Muleys. ;-)

Who is your cuz?

JB- I REALLY need to send you an updated pic of me. That one just makes me look so.....pale. ;-) LOL RUS- you got it just about right. LMAO
I think I have heard she the hottest and coolest Mom in the Basin.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
TripleK, my cuz is Aaron84. He was saying how hot you were yesterday, so I wanted to see for myself. So when you posting up a pic or two? ;)
There are some pictures of her,and her husband and kids in the archives on a camping trip. Yes she is a beautiful young woman.

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