Trip to the vet



I took my best hunting buddy to the vet today. He was'nt his usual self, not eating, drinking, playing ball, just laying around with occasional vomiting. The vet took some x-rays and said he has an intestinal blockage. I left him there for sugery, the vet opened him up and said his spleen is twice the size of normal. Anyone else ever had any thing like this with one of thier dogs? I sure hope he's going to be o.k. I will bring him home on Monday. This house just is'nt the same without him.
My dumbazz healer swallowed a 1x1 inch piece of rubber and did the same lethargic, vomiting trip. It couldn't be passed, so......
$1,000.00 and a week later he was looking for more junk to eat!
me heeler cross swallowed a t-bone that was larger that his was surgically removed.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing


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