Trinity Alps Pack In


Very Active Member
Looking at hiring some horses to pack me and two other bowhunters 5-10 miles deep into the Trinity Alps Wilderness for the archery opener in northern CA 2013. Anyone know of an outfit they can recommend? What are going rates for drop off an pick up service (no camp provided). Thank you
I can't find the article, but I read that outfitters can no longer pack into the wilderness. The article said that it was a new law and it did not effect people who pack without any profit being made.

Can anyone confirm this? That would be the ruin of many local outfitters.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-09-12 AT 03:01PM (MST)[p] they are out of Cottonwood.
Thanks. I did find Maverick online as well as Coffee Creek Ranch which does drop camps into the Alps.
P.m. Sent

Yep lets tell everyone the north trinity alps are overrun with bears and bow hunters!!!

Good luck on your trip whatever you decide

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