I had the same problem as you, Being a fingers shooter for 33 years and then going to a release was a major problem for me, been shooting a release for 6 years now and still not fully acclimated but I personally use the v between my thumb and index finger as an anchor on my jaw bone, It has helped me over practice to become somewhat comfortable and maintain an exact anchor, there are some better qualified persons on here that could probly give you better advise, But hopefully this may help you out and alot of practice doesn't hurt either, shooting fingers all those years I would just relax my hand when shooting allowing the string to slide of of my fingers undisturbed, with a release if I relax my hand now I find myself not actually pulling the trigger and trying to recatch my arrow sort of speak, I am actually getting better over the years and practicing but just cant occasionally keep from resorting back to my old style and launching arrows into never never land,Sorry I couldn't help ya out more but someone will if ya hang out here. There are some really great guys on here and they will show up eventually.
PS: Watch the moustache hairs, with the lower anchor point it seems the string pulls more of them out than with the fingers on your release of the arrows,( lol)