tred barta


Very Active Member
this guy rocks i do not know if you guys have seen any of his hunting show's but he is nuts always hunts with a long bow and actually shows when he does not get anything his moose hunt is probably one of my favorites whats yours
One of the few times I have watched his show he was hunting whitetails and found a fresh wet scrape. He said "this is what I like to do when I find these" then he grabbed two big handfulls of piss soaked dirt and smeared it all over himself, hillarious.
I'd do it if it would get me a big buck but I don't remember ever seeing him shoot anything but a mule deer doe that he did'nt recover.
I don't watch much though, he may have killed some biguns on some episodes I haven't seen.
ever since his colorado doe hunt where he was flinging arrows wildly at moving deer I lost respect for him. he's an overdramatic hack. he should stick to sport fishing
better fisherman than hunter...
he should stick with rabbits..
he rich$$$ refurbs jets turns and sales!
In it's own way, his shows can be entertaining. He is a terrible hunter, don't really like the guy and how he preaches his way of hunting. He also talks ethics but breaks his own rules lots of the time. Can be funny though, like he's the joke.
well i guess you guys did not see the colorado elk hunt where he is finding public land and talking about to much land turning private. and showing you how to find public land that most people think is private. come on how many of these other shows would put a hunt on that was taking place on public land.being a jet salesman good for him you can not be mad at somebody for making money
Got to like a guy who kills a hog on film with a Bowie knife.

Take a kid hunting. You will enjoy it more than they do!
Do those of you that think he's a terrible hunter feel that way because he rarely makes a kill on his show?
Like some of his thoughts but watched him on a caribou hunt flinging arrows at caribou running by way outa range and to actually show this on tv not good for the sport .money does not have anything to do with it Mike Wadell has money , Eastmans have money , they have ethics and practice them !!
I like his show. He has great confidence and an awesome additude , I'd love to hunt with this guy. I bet his camps are a blast...
I dont think this guy has a limit on range with that long bow. and for the colorado hunt when he went to the county office to verify puclic land, that area he hunted has a well marked blm road going to it thru private, that was a hot tip wasnt it!
Shummy, i said terrible and you asked so i'll elaborate. I've seen him running after pigs in rough country with his knife out, i've seen him blow stalk after stalk cause he doesn't have the patience to wait and do it properly. I've seen him shoot at a mountain goat threw heavy brush near point blank range, i've seen him walking through and over heavy deadfall with an arrow nocked... and that show where he jumped up out the cover and ran at the caribo to get closer, slinging arrows at the running out of range herd, won the prize... Maybe not to you but to me, that's terrible.

I'm not saying that i hate the guy or anything but he claims to be a trophy big game hunter with world records. He's not the guy i picture as a trophy big game hunter. Fisherman? i'll buy that.
>Do those of you that think
>he's a terrible hunter feel
>that way because he rarely
>makes a kill on his

If I wanted to "not" see a kill I take a camera with me :) Just givin ya a hard time. I see his point on most issues, but I can only take so much of somebody tellin me how to do it.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
My favorite part about his show is when it ends. Did you see the one where he was launching arrows into an already dead hog? That guy is a moron.
wow he is pretty controversial isnt he. the thing i like about the show is that he does not pay 10,000,00 dollars to hunt a high fenced bull elk it is usually fair chase
No matter what you might think about him, he is a world class pilot, boat captain, saltwater fisherman and (from what I have heard) one hell of a businessman. As far as hunting, the only episode that I liked was the Colorado "public land" show. He does take a lot of what I would call questionable shots. He is intense, hyper and wound up tighter than Moosie's butt beads but is one of the most determined dudes you will ever come across. I'm not a big fan of his hunting ethics but you have to respect his other accomplishments.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!


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