Travis' wifes Moose photos



Don't know much about these pics but was asked to post them...
Taken by Travis' wife in a Utah CWMU in 2004. Congrats!



AntlerQuest Hunt Consulting
When I draw my Colorado Bull I hope to shoot it on a road too.

Nothing wrong with being lucky, congrats on a nice bull.

Nice lookin' bull for the gal. Smart too, shootin em' where you can back up to them with a truck and hoist.
This hunt was on a cwmu and this particular bull was spotted at the bottom of the canyon on the same side of the hill that we were on. The bull just kept walking straight up the canyon and 30 minutes later walked out on the 4-wheeler trail we were glassing from. My wife wasn't sure what to do because she passed up one the day before that was a better bull. Anyway she decided to shoot the bull just after it walked on the uphill side of the trail and he rolled back down to the middle of the trail and expired. She took him down with ne shot from a 7mm.

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