Traveling for work



How many of you guys travel for your job? I will soon be travelin across the country working two weeks on and two weeks off. Any pros or cons from anyone who has been there? The real question I'm asking is how hard is it on your family life? Thanks in advance for your input.........
I use to drive 120 miles each day (round trip) for work. Did it for 17 years and 5 months. Went through three PU doing so but had a great location where to work, was always looking for deer etc while driving.

I'm driving a 160 mi round trip right now but hopefully when this job is done in june I'll be a little closer. A couple years ago I was able to pick and choose what jobs I worked, but not now. Just grin and bear it, keep makin house payments and hunting season will be here soon :)

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
My brother lives near Portland, OR and worked in San Jose, CA for several years. He flew home every weekend. It is hard on family life but they got through it fine. Something has to suffer though. It's harder on the kids for sure.

My brother-in-law traveled all over the US 3 or 4 weeks a month for years (million miler with Delta). His wife and 2 kids got so used to being without him, when he came home on the weekends he disrupted thier lives. He was not close to his kids during this time but thankfully he's now home most of the month now and things are much better with his family life.
I did 72mi each way for 6 years 6 days aweek...
gas and cars were cheaper!
would not ever do that again..
I am out of town 2 days out of every 2 weeks to take care of my businesses in CA. I was driving it, but, now I fly when I can as it is cheaper and I can save 1 day being gone.

I really would not like to be away from my family for more than that amount of time.

In fact when I am out there, I work about 17 hour days to get it all done so I can go home.

The rest of the time I work out of my house.

I think much more than what I am doing would be hard on the family.

Now if you are thinking of 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off and you are completely off for 2 weeks that may work. I dont think I could do that.
It really comes down to your wife and if she can handle it. I am sure some women cannot.
I travel all over Montana, Utah, Idaho and sometimes Neveda, Wyoming and Oregon. I'm on the road up to 2 weeks a month.

Marine Recruiting is going well.
Thanks gents, I have a pretty understanding bride. We will give it a shot..........
You hit it right on the head Breederbuck........

The main thing you need is a wife that is supportive of what you are doing!!!!

I am on the road about 140 nights a year. I travel all over the Western US and Canada. I have been doing this for about 7 years.

Now remember, this is just my views on this subject as someone who travels for work, it may not be gospel and may not work for everyone!!!!!

One thing I do, is make sure that when I am home....I AM HOME!!! if that makes sense. Spend time with your kids and the wife! Make sure that you are not heading out everyweekend after being gone all week working. IF you do, then take the kids and wife with you! Call home a LOT. Make sure they can get a hold of you for ANY reason! Let your wife call and just COMPLAIN! Make sure you are understanding of her being home alone with the kids! They are the ones with the tough job!!! Talk to your kids EVERY NIGHT!!!

With out a very supportive and strong willed wife, this job would be impossible. I have friends that have wives that can not make a single decision without them helping. that is HARD when you are gone all the time. A good wife will make all the difference! I am lucky that my wife is the GREATEST and makes sure that when I get home at the end of the week, all the little things are taken care of and all I have to do, is be a Dad and a Husband!!!!!!!!

There will be hard times!! Times that the kids will hang on your leg and not want you to leave! But ENJOY your job. IF it is a job that you like to do, then enjoy your time there! Mine is the greatest job in the world and I make sure I remember that! It gives me a GREAT living and makes it possible to live in a place that I LOVE TO LIVE!! and not some big city.

I will tell you one last thing........

The BEST part of leaving every week is..........COMING HOME!!!!!!
FishlakeElkhunter hit the nail on the head with his comments.

I have been doing the same work schedule you are describing for 3 years now. I work all over the world. I am writing this from a hotel room in Peru. I work 2 weeks on and one or 2 weeks off. Sometimes, like recently I have had to work 4 weeks on and one week off. You must have a wife that can take care of pretty much everything on her own or you are going to have trouble. I wont lie it is very hard to do especially for your wife.

You will pretty much sacrifice everything. Sometimes you will miss birthdays, anniversaries, and the little stuff. You will have a list of honey do?s a mile long when you get home. I pay for someone to do the yard work so my wife or I don't have to do it.

As for your kids/wife when you are home do everything together. We go fishing a least once a week during the summer. We ride bikes, go swimming, shoot our bows, hike, and go deer and elk spotting and go camping several times a year. I also try to do what they want even if I don't want to do it.

After you have been doing it for a few years you will think what the hell I am doing this for. Save your money live way under your means so some day you can afford to do something else because you won't want to do this type of work schedule your whole life.

Archery is a year round commitment!!

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