Trapping Wolves or a hunting tag


Long Time Member
What does a NR trapping license cost Vs a NR wolf hunting Tag.
If a trapping license is cheaper a guy just might want set traps during his deer or elk season and hope to score a good pelt.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
LAST EDITED ON Jul-19-10 AT 09:41AM (MST)[p]There might be more to it than that Gator. Idaho has a few funny rules on trapping. I have not heard if Non-residents will even be able to trap wolves. YOUR state has to allow the speices being trapped to come to idaho and trap.

Example; if your state has a quota of 4 bobcats and you want to come to ID and trap cats(which has no limit)you can only trap 4 of them. If your state does not allow trapping of bobcats, you can not trap cats in ID.

This is my understanding. It is being disscussed on a couple of trapping fourms right now. I have not heard any clarification from Fish and Game. Under that kind of rule, only residents of AK would be able to Trap Wolves in ID.

It seems to me that the best option right now would be; reguardless if you are coming to ID to hunt deer or elk, to buy an additional NR OTC deer tag. Use that additional deer tag for either a deer, bear, lion or Wolf which ever presents an opportunity.

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