
The ones who caught my dog a few weeks ago are. Broke 2 of his toes, ended my hunting season a month early, cost me a few hundred dollars, my dog bit the f-ing chit out of me when I tried to get him out, not to mention I just hiked my a$$ off to get up in the Chuckar zone and had to turn around and drive 140 miles home. Thanks guys I really appreciated that.
Pretty disriptive there jim, hope you don't have your shotgun on you, when you catch up to that feller.
Sorry to hear your dog got caught, but it dosent sound like the guy did anything wrong.I've been trapping for twenty years and only caught one sheep herder's dog. the dog didnt have any injuries, but i felt bad.
I don't know any trappers in Utah, but I do know one of the best trappers in Alaska!
Here are a couple photos of his annual catches.
He is hell on wolves!

That is a great catch... I lived up north for a while but never had the chance to do some trapping.. Sorry about your dogs foot, but that is a risk you got to take when hunting with your dog. Alot of good cat and yote country is shared with chuckars. My dog has never been caught in a trap, but taken a licken from porcupines a few times. I don't know the trapping laws in Utah, but most states require a trap to have offset jaws, which don't completely close together. A steel foot-hold trap should not break the toes of a dog. I don't know the exact circumstances or the trap that was used, but that shouldn't happen.
I have nothing against trappers or trapping so I just left it. Even though it was probally an illegal trap because when closed the jaws closed tight togather, and I was told, in Utah, you must have your name and permit # on your traps. I could be wrong thats just what I was told. I don't trap so I don't know for sure. and if anyone cares the dog is doing great and we might be able to go the last couple days of the season.
Glad to hear that you left it. You do need a trap # but you don't need your name. As far as being a legal trap, it sounds like it was. I have nothing against chuckar hunters because I do that from time to time, I just feel like we all have to share the area and it sucks that your dog got caught, but prime ground is prime ground
LAST EDITED ON Jan-29-04 AT 08:21PM (MST)[p]I live in northern Ut. I have 2 bird dogs and I gladly co exist with the trapers. The more fox's and coyote's that they get the more birds for me and the dog's. I was out one day and seen 4 foxes in traps in about a 1 mile area. Keep on traping.
Sorry about your dog shotgunjim. Good to hear he is ok. I know I use to trap the east bench years ago. We caught a few dogs but none were ever hurt. But man u wouldn't believe the fox coon and yotes we cought not to mention house cats. It is a wonder we have any birds. Since they did away with cyinide. The birds don't hardly stand a chance. I am a bird hunter with a damn nice dog hope he don't get caught,. Hats off to the trappers.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-10-05 AT 07:50PM (MST)[p]Don't know about Utah but i would love to see some trappers get the dozen wolfs they turned lose in my -old- elk hunting area of Washington (Little Naches-346)last time i was there, no elk tracks just wolf tracks. its been a few years ago since i was there. I moved to a different area to hunt elk

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