Transplanting Turkeys in Utah



Just read on Fox13 that the DWR are transplanting turkeys captured off the Southwest Desert.They are relocating them throughout Utah to buildup and restablish new flocks.They released some in 9mile already.(ROD)
LAST EDITED ON Jan-30-09 AT 09:41AM (MST)[p]It would be interesting to know what the numbers are in the state and what are the states goals???
I have about 150 on our wheat field tearing up sh*T. I wont charge Utah anything if they want to come get them. Better yet I will trade an elk tag or deer tag for them. Pretty good deal if you ask me!
CJ - are they Rio Grand or Merriam?

Let me know if you need help hunting them this spring. I might need to get out and stretch my legs a little - the ride up to Lubbock is purty in the spring!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Roy, You are more than welcome to come get a long beard. They are Rios. PM me and set a date. I live North of Abiline about an hour. it will be about a 5 hour drive for you from Georgetown. I lived down there a few summers ago doing an internship. The Monument Cafe is the best.
i dont know about turkeys, but I know we sent the welfare state a bunch of sheep a couple weeks ago for free no less. . .
T- thanks for that. We sent Colorado a bunch of moose. Colorado sent Montana some of the whirling disease resistant rainbows. So you got fish for sheep. haha

You know what TFinal, those sheep don't recognize our arbitrary political boundaries. Neither do things like sickness, extinction, population expansion or shrinkage, etc. Maybe we should just look at the bigger picture instead of worrying what we got in return.

just my $0.02

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