Training Camps Opening up!!!


Very Active Member
That means the NFL season is right around the corner!!!!! Which means hunting is almost here!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man I can't wait for the fall!!!!!!!!!!
LAST EDITED ON Jul-20-08 AT 02:40PM (MST)[p]COLTS ROCK!! Soon to be 2009 Champs! Patriots suck! That oughta sturr the pot. Indianapolis Regieren Fohlen der NFL!


"I shoot at wolves, I don't dance with them." :)
Stands With A Fist
LAST EDITED ON Jul-20-08 AT 02:44PM (MST)[p]I dont care what the man looks like just as long as he is the best.. and he is.. Tom Brady.. your a tool! Or if you like it in Deutch.. Tom Brady ist ein fr?hliches Werkzeug! (says Tom Brady is a tool, moderators...)

"I shoot at wolves, I don't dance with them." :)
Stands With A Fist
sunday ticket is already orderd can not wait till kickoff. gonna be a rough one for the chiefs. but i do not think payton could hold toms jock strap lmao sorry bowhunt witha rifle no really peyton is good to bad he is injured right now
I come prepared and I keep a back up... his lil bro Eli! and he sure turned on the heat at the end.. think he will keep it going? We'll see soon enough!!

"I shoot at wolves, I don't dance with them." :)
Stands With A Fist
Got my tickets for the Denver Bronco's VS Miami Dolphins game on November 2nd.

Denver all the way this year!!

Eli manning??????????????????? hahahahahahahaha thats funny he couldn even sniff his bros strap let alone tom terrific's

Bury me in the hills so i can fertilize the grass and grow bigger animals for the rest of ya
Slam....I always knew there was a reason that I liked you!


I usually go to 2 or 3 games a year. I think I will go to the game down in Sand Diego this year....So I can piss off a bunch of fans down there.....Plus you cant beat the weather.
Denver, ha, no.. I really don't think so. Broncos have sucked for years and Tom Brady is a douch. Laugh. Last time I heard Eli and the Giants handed Brady and the Pats their jocks. I think it was the 2008 Superbowl.. maybe.. yep, it was. My Bro loves the Pats so any opprotunity to bag on them is taken! Hope he reads this.

"I shoot at wolves, I don't dance with them." :)
Stands With A Fist

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