Trail cam


Very Active Member
So just wondering your guys' opinion on trail cams on PUBLIC land.

1. if you see a trail cam unlocked do you stop and check the card to see whats on it or do you just continue on?

2. do you think it is dishonest/wrong to check them, or is it ok as long as you put it back the way it was.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-21-11 AT 11:16AM (MST)[p]Black and white issue, if it ain't yours, leave it along.

If not, then the next time I happen on your campsite, can I rummage around and see if I can find your camera and check out the pictures there? I will put it back. I also want to find out what kind of sleeping bag and pad you use, might even try them out for awhile!

That said, anyone leaving a trailcam on public can't be shocked if it to be tampered with/stolen.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
LAST EDITED ON Aug-21-11 AT 12:02PM (MST)[p]As much as I dislike the things, I've got better things to do than piss with someone else's camera box. But a sharpie marker over the lens might be fun.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling
up anyway."
I wouldn't want anyone touching mine so i don't touch there's. Common courtesy.
Anyone happening upon one of my cameras is welcome to see what's on the card as long as they leave it in the condition they found it. I'd much rather share my pictures than my property.
Being one of the old farts on this board, I was taught many moons ago that if it's not yours, then don't touch it!!!
+100000000 what Topgun said.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>Look with your eyes, and not
>with your hands.

better yet....look with your eyes...and don't steal someone elses expectation of privacy in the woods..

The next time I see an Illegal set of Wheeler Tracks that packed the Trail Cam/Cams in,them f'rs are comming down!

Will they withstand a 3/8" hole?

If they packed em in legally that's one thing,when they are so LAZY they have to BLAZE Trails to set em up,well that's where I draw the line!

Go ahead,Call the USFS!

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Is it ok to take your truck or use your camper because the keys were in it and it was on public land? The answer is Hell no!
This has been a topic thats been brought up before . plain and simple , if it is not yours don't even touch it . If you're curious what is on there camera go by your own damn trail camera and place it on the same location. At least then you sustain your integrity and honesty . But if you mess w/ someones property , you're a dishonest individual and you will burn in hell . lol.
These trail cameras are not just for hunting , they are also utilized to do research as what I also use mine for not just hunting . once you use these cameras you're hooked . you set them out for a week, and you retrieve the info and you never know what you're going to get . It's all about respect . Don't F##K w/ anyone one else's property .
I have had the following

1) Stolen camera... no trace, gone. No photos to look at after a two hour hike to the top. SUCKED

2)A Fellow MM hunter PM me and told me he figured from old photos that this camera was mine and found pictures of me setting the camera. They explained they were hunting the same area and explained that they checked the trail camera I had set. I hadn't checked it yet, so they told me what was hitting the camera. Deer, elk, etc. They later sent me pictures that they had downloaded to their "laptop" they carried into the area as they were checking their own.

My response was at least they didn't steal it and I could care less if they downloaded the photos. We ended up exchanging brief info and times of when we were both hunting the area. It's not private, all public land so they were entitled to hunt the area as much as I was, we just figured it was better to try and coordinate our hunting trips so we don't end up on top of each other.

I was grateful to the fact that I still have a trail camera and photos to show for it. No harm to me by the guy checking the photos. I would rather share them than lose them to a thief.

I would like to add my thoughts as well. First of all if its not yours don't touch it! with that being said if its not locked then don't look at the pictures, its my camera and what if you forget to turn it back on or change settings on accident. It is simply rude to mess with someone elses hunting equipment. If you don't mind someone touching your camera then you really trust other people cause most of us don't especially random strangers! If i was to have four wheeler tracks into an area to check or set their cameras and four wheelers are against the law then by all means.... looks like i've got a new trail camera or something to shoot. Find the horn Goose!
So it's okay to break a law if someone else broke another one.Okay..I got it now.Let's all take the law into our own hands.It's okay to break the law if the person we are violating broke another law.There's been some confusion on this issue.Now it's all clear to me.If I see someone vandalizing my stuff,I'm going to break another law.
I hate them. I hate almost everything they represent. I hate the fact that hunters are "claiming" their hunting areas with them. I'd love to shoot them all.


They are not mine. I don't touch them. I don't look at them!

It's called honesty!

Now your wife is a different story. JK

nontypical.... I know what your getting at and i'm assuming your being slightly sarcastic! it simply is not ok for people to break the First Law, and better yet in my opinion hunters ethics of protecting game first. If you have done something wrong in the world of hunting you should be treated with disrespect until you pull your head out! The hunting community has enough to worry about when it comes to the anti-hunting community. If you call yourself a hunter you should know better than to destroy hunters images. I am not attacking you either just saying. If everyone went by the book and used some common sense and ethics i would never have worry about anything like ripping a trail camera off a tree. So far to date i have not had to and hope i never do!
I think my last post was removed so i'm writing another! i wouldn't say its taking the law into our own hands. I just feel as though if you disrespect the laws in the first place your trail camera is fair game! i would never physically touch someone elses trail camera as i don't want mind touched. If you are a bad person so to speak to drive a four wheeler over terrain that is foot traffic only your are disrepecting all of us and should be looked down upon. just my 2 cents. Find the horn Goose!
+1,nuts.I sometimes use a little sarcasm!The guy that drove the 4-wheeler might not have been the same guy that set up the cam.I still wouldn't mess with anyone else's stuff no matter what the circumstance was.
I would rather have someone look at my card then steal my camera. When I see a camera I give them an up close photo of a stupid look on my face. This one time I just walked around the tree about 20 times lol. You have to mentally give them something to think about or laugh about. But I would never damage a camera. Karma will get you back..

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