Trail Cam Utah Wolf Pics?


Very Active Member
I hear lots of talk about wolves in Utah, but there aren't many pictures to go along with these reports. I know we have had documented wolves in the state, but it was usually just one or two, typically passing through, and there is no documentation of an established pack that I know of.

Does anybody have wolf pics from trail cams or your normal cameras from Utah? I took pictures of what I suspect was a wolf track in Rich County south of Bear Lake 7-8 years ago, and heard what I'm sure was a wolf howl on the South Slope of the Uintas about 3 years ago, but have never seen a wolf, not captured one on a trail camera. In addition to spending a decent amout of time in the field I have also put in some serious hours in helicopters gridding our mountains and have seen lots of coyotes and even a few lions, but never a wolf from the air.

Lets see your wolf pics!

Here are my best "wolf" pics, tracks about 4" wide by 5" long



There is no such thing as a sure thing in trophy mule deer hunting.
I Don't have Pics!

Just the Ones Imbedded in My Brain!

There are a couple/few around in Utah!

Back in the Day of Huntin Lions I seen 2 Different Tracks on the Uinta's!

One up Wolf Creek many years ago!

One on the South Slope a few years Back!

Seen a Wolf out on Strawberry a few years ago,Don't believe me? Ask BerryBlaster about it!

About 12 years ago I seen a Wolf on the LaSals I could have Easily Shot,still kickin Myself on that one,He should be on my Wall!

You Figure the Miles/Time Spent in the Woods & Snow it's Perty Thin Soup!

Don't tell me there Ain't any in Utah,I know better!

I've heard Numorous People Claim they've Heard them Howl on the South Slope,I've been Un-Lucky there,Can't Claim I've ever heard them but I know there are a few around!

That's a BIG Coyote Track DAX!:D

The Second you see one there's No Mistaken Identity,They Stick out Like No Other!

I did see a Wolf In JELLYSTONE Park quite a few years back,He was a Wiley SOB,I couldn't get a Shot at Him!:D:D:D

(((Before I get My Ass Jumped,Shot = Snap Shot!:D)))

I'm afraid if I ever get a Chance again to Shoot one I'm gonna put him on the Wall!

Why is it DAX that Most UDWR Officials don't wanna admit to accepting the Fact that We do have a Few Wolves in Utah?

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
I hear ya. I was in the South Slope area between Vernal and Flaming Gorge on the yourh elk hunt this past fall with no other hunting pressure. We were stalking elk in the early morning fog with the elk bugling when I heard one howl within 150 yards. Pretty unmistakable. Turned to my son and talked to him about it. Way different the first time this happens. Makes the mind wonder a bit for a few seconds.
My buddie was hunting out by strawberry on the last year of the 5 units and had some howling by him, I believe he was above fruit land. I have the pics of them out between Indianola and Fairview. Oh and don't forget about the lack of deer up hobble creek, used to be able to pop a spike off the road, now your lucky to see a doe.
Wolves on the Wasatch must not drink, because if they did they would be caught on trail cams. The Wasatch is probably only second to the AZ strip for trail cams on water holes ;-)

I don't doubt some guys have seen and heard wolves in UT. Heck, I swear I heard one. I just can't help but think if there were enough wolves out there to really put the hurt on our big game herds there would be more sightings, more pictures, more instances of wolves killing livestock, more guys mistaking wolves for coyotes and trying to claim the $50 bounty, etc.

Just my personal thoughts.


There is no such thing as a sure thing in trophy mule deer hunting.
From what I have heard from people at the fish and game is they are just big coyotes. So who is to say the bounty isn't being paid on them so the Fish and Game doesn't have to deal with the stupid tree huggers from Washington, and California. Also they have been caught on trail cameras on the wasatch. Plus there are plenty of places that don't have trail cameras on the wasatch, you just have to get off the road and hike a little.
Come on deerslayer, Talk is cheap. Let's see what you got. Post up a pic of a Manti wolf.
Go outside and find one of the 10 year old neighbor kids and have them show you how to post a pic on the internet.

No estas en mexico ahora, entonces escoja tu basura
chancho sucio.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-14 AT 10:51AM (MST)[p]
Trailcam picture in Spanish Fork Canyon,
BUT, it's just a big coyote, so it's legal to take down!
Did you get your Bounty Money littlebig?:D

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
I wouldn't want any DNA evidence that our "big dogs" are anything but yotes on roids. If not, the "tree huggers" would want to protect 'em.
Purdy sure our DWR doesn't want that "rodeo" either!
Hey it is cheap but I honestly don't know how to post pics on this forum lol. I would ask the 10 year olds but I think the cops might get called you know it could be a red flag. Hey kids you wanna help me post this photo of a wolf on the internet. Oh yeah just come in side, ill give ya some candy.
I'm an educator, so let me see if I can help (and keep you out of jail).
Go to reply,
Click where it says Photo Upload enabled (It says CLICK HERE to upload photos)
A window will open with a Browse button.
Click and upload the photo off your computer file.
The URL will then show up in the window.
Copy and paste it to your reply and you are ready to go.

Good luck!
>Hey it is cheap but I
>honestly don't know how to
>post pics on this forum
>lol. I would ask the
>10 year olds but I
>think the cops might get
>called you know it could
>be a red flag. Hey
>kids you wanna help me
>post this photo of a
>wolf on the internet. Oh
>yeah just come in side,
>ill give ya some candy.

Email them to me and I would be more than happy to post them up for you. [email protected]

No pics but I scared the shiiit outta a female and her pups in the uintahs a few years back with my .45!

Traditional >>>------->
No Pic's but a couple of us saw a large Grey try to bring down a cow out in Grouse Creek area but it spotted us as we tried to get out of the truck with our guns and the wolf went into warp speed over the draw. We were in shock as we shoot quite a few coyotes out there and it was as big as the cow length wise... not expecting a wolf... and yes I was going to shoot it.. really don't care if it was "Legal" or not.

On the Hyde park buck thread he says this "got on with Apple while a under grad and learned a lot." while talking about how to retreive and alter data from a photo but doesn't know how to post a pic on the internet.

I'm starting to think he's full of $hit.

No estas en mexico ahora, entonces escoja tu basura
chancho sucio.
If you noticed it I attempted to post it and further more, just because I read the forums doesn't mean that I am going to play with the damn thing for a week to post a picture. Most every other forum is straight forward to post a pic.
Well considering there is already a post of a wolf up Spanish Fork canyon I think my claim has been pretty much validated. Think of it like this highway 6 connects to skyline, and my property is between indianola and skyline very close to highway 6. Now highway 6 is in essence Spanish Fork canyon, so if it take rocket science then I guess the wolf sees highway 6 and says heck with that I am not going to the manti lasal's right. The photo listed also does not state if the wolf was on the south or north side of Spanish Fork canyon, and therefore if it was on the South side past thistle then its already a photo of a manti lasal wolf. Furthermore comments like Shotguns are what makes people want to punch people like him in the nuts.
I know of several that have been shot these last few years over near Coalville/Wanship area. I wont give any details, but they are definitely up there.
>If you noticed it I attempted
>to post it and further
>more, just because I read
>the forums doesn't mean that
>I am going to play
>with the damn thing for
>a week to post a
>picture. Most every other forum
>is straight forward to post
>a pic.

Come on DeerSlayer!

If I can Post a Pic!

Anybody can!:D

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
I figured out the posting part but after getting scrutiny because I was needing a lesson on posting makes me just want to stay clear of posting it. I could care less to be told off by the MM police like on other forums because I used a Trail Camera or because they think that tree in the back ground looks its up Provo Canyon, because we are all tree experts. Sorry for the tangent but its annoying and I bet it pushes a ton of people with knowledge off the forum.
I dont' have the pics, have heard lots of legends BUT, the states trapper was up on the south slope all summer, and for some reason he seems to believe there are lots of big dogs up there. He is a great dude. lost his dog two summers back, stopped to ask us to keep an eye out, we asked him about them on the south slope, he denied LOUDLY that wolves were on the south slope, he said he only knew of a freak gene on the yotes up there that made them grow exceptionally large. He also asked that when we shoot one, forget the bounty, please bury it. We were camped in Millcreek, he was workin that area most of the summer.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
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