Why not just register them just like you have to register any traps you set out?
This could be a good idea If it was a simple process that didn’t involve a lot of red tape and overwhelm the staff of the game departments.
I’m not a trapper so I’m curious how the process goes and
are there registration fees on traps?
If cameras were required to be registered I think they should have a number on them that is easy to read from a reasonable distance. That way if they were left up in violation anyone could write the number down or take a picture then report them to law-enforcement.
The problem is there aren’t enough law enforcement officers to go out and check every possible camera location or every reported violation.
As you know a lot of these water sources that cameras are placed on can be in very rough and remote areas.
For the most part I believe camera users will comply with the regulations.
But for the ones who don’t,
I personally don’t have a problem with other methods of controlling camera violations as long as litter isn’t left out on our public lands.
As far as legal use of game cameras during non hunting season periods goes lm ok with it.
If they are operated legally no one should be removing them or vandalizing them.