Trail Cam Photos


Long Time Member
These were taken 60 yards below my house, where I store my hay:



Both of those animals are standing in the same spot, that's a BIG bear. Here's some more. In one you see a huge pile of bear dung: In this photo it's been run over, just over the does' back.


An 80 lb Boxer/Lab in the foreground and a 60 lb Boxer standing over the "pile."


I'm a little disappointed in the trail cam itself. It was up for almost 3 months. I got about 300 photos but know I missed a ton. Thought I would get a shot every time someone drove up my road. I have about 6 of my wife feeding the horses and about 6 of me. I know it missed them getting fed twice a day most of the time. I did get about 60 of nothing. I think it was a tarp blowing in the wind.
Go with cuddies they are all I use, everything else is just too frustrating and slow trigger speeds..
Cuddyback is the way to go when you're trying to catch animals passing by. The trigger speed is better along with the shutter speed in the camera. Great cameras that will catch a lot of critters that walk by.

Moultrie makes good cameras, but they have a slower trigger. These cameras are better on a water hole or food like, as the animals stay in front if the camera longer.

The angle of camera and height off ground will also have huge affect on whether it catches an animal coming by.
That bear stayed out until at least December 20th, my fault.

One of my horses died and instead of burying it, I just drug it to my lower pasture. It was December 2nd, ground was frozen and I thought, "What the hey"

He got into my garbage on December 20th, for the third time. I guess it was kind of desert after eating horse flesh. Bear proffed the garbage and havn't seen him since. Same bear that went into my garage several time in the summer of 2012.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-03-14 AT 02:19PM (MST)[p]Cuddeback is the only way to go,super fast shutter speed. I have a photo, (1/2 a photo at least) of a Red Tailed Hawk flying by coming to a water hole in the creek. Now that's a quick trigger!

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