Tragedy in Joplin


Long Time Member
Praying for the Tornado victims of Joplin, Missouri. So far 90 killed and most of the town destroyed, including the town's hospital which was wiped out.

Sad deal for sure! This year has been horrible with natural disasters. Where I live in north Texas has been the south tail of some bad storms. Our area has had extreme fires and very bad drought conditions. We need rain, especially the farmers, but I think they will all pass for a while on the dangerous storms!! Its trying to build something to the north of us right now let's just hope it is not another bad one!
My son was born at that hospital 13 years ago next week. It was an active tornado alert season there that year too, and they've had several tornadoes touch down in the town over the years, but luckily one never touched down while I was there. But, I always hit the deck when those sirens went off. This Utah girl was FREAKED out every time. The neighbors would grab a 6 pack and a lawn chair and watch the storms roll by, but I was ducking and covering in the nearest basement.

The hospital that got wiped out was St. John's and luckily they've got another hospital, Freeman Hospital, right around the corner amidst all the devastation as well, that is still ok.

Horrible tragedy...glad I don't live there anymore, but wish I could be there to help out.
Sad deal for sure. I know it's selfish to say, but I'm glad that wasn't my town. Best of luck to all of those affected.

The voices in my head may not be real, but they have
some good ideas!
Another terrible case of mother nature's wrath. Praying for the survivors through this terrible disaster.
The images I've seen are unreal. Help is on the way because we're Americans.

TripleK, maybe your son will run for president. If anyone asks to see his birth certificate, he can tell them a tornado swept it away.:)

Natural disasters are bad anytime. It seems worse this year.

Some years back, they had a hurricane in Florida and I went back to help, on a request from one of our suppliers.

Unless you are actually there to see the devastation and feel the pain of the just can't know.

I spent 5 weeks on a Cat 930, front end loader and when I left, it seemed I had hardly made a dent!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
My son is out in Tennessee working with tacticalbowhunter and they have seen a number of twisters.. Scary stuff!
My prayers are with those in Joplin. Sounds like everyone in that part of the country can use our prayers!
LAST EDITED ON May-24-11 AT 05:56PM (MST)[p]122 people have been confirmed killed so far with another 1,500 still missing. This tornado has essentially wiped out Joplin and may have been the most destructive and deadliest tornado to ever hit a city in nearly 60 years.

Seeing a father holding up his son's pic while pleading for help to find him just choked me up with emotion. That could have been me or any one of us in that agonizing moment. God I hope they find that young man and the other 1,500 persons still missing. A nation weeps for Joplin and the rest of America hit with these tornadoes.

The aerial pics put into perspective the scope and breadth of the destruction Joplin suffered. Complete and total. My heart aches for the people of Joplin.

My girlfriends parents took off two weeks ago for Arkansas to see her brother. We tried to get them to wait a month or so because the tornados are so bad this year but they went anyway. We are getting texts from them everyday telling us how bad the weather is. Very scary stuff!! Prayers go out to all the folks being affected by all this bad weather.

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
The memorial mass today was very uplifting considering the sadness that prevails in that community. God Bless the people of Joplin.


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