Trading McNabb


Long Time Member
I was watching ESPN today and they had Mort on their talking about McNabb being traded. It was a story that I was watching very closely because I think that is big news as far as the NFL is concerned. At the end of the piece, Mort says that none of the info he had previously talked about was from McNabb or the Phil. Eagles and that it was soley media driven. In my opinion, it was a total waste of time for that piece to be aired and if I were Mcnabb or the Eagles management, I'd be pissed. Why does the media "make this stuff up"? It is such a crock of sh!t!! ESPN is a reputable sports authority and I think they should be held in higher standards than to simply speculate or make something up like this. Am I wrong?

He's heading to Denver with Favre...... Lol[/IMG]
>I was watching ESPN today and
>they had Mort on their
>talking about McNabb being traded.
>It was a story that
>I was watching very closely
>because I think that is
>big news as far as
>the NFL is concerned. At
>the end of the piece,
>Mort says that none of
>the info he had previously
>talked about was from McNabb
>or the Phil. Eagles and
>that it was soley media
>driven. In my opinion, it
>was a total waste of
>time for that piece to
>be aired and if I
>were Mcnabb or the Eagles
>management, I'd be pissed. Why
>does the media "make this
>stuff up"? It is such
>a crock of sh!t!! ESPN
>is a reputable sports authority

>and I think they should
>be held in higher standards
>than to simply speculate or
>make something up like this.
>Am I wrong?

There's your problem.....

ESPN doesn't report the news, they make it, or in this case, make it up.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-29-10 AT 07:29AM (MST)[p]Its called BSPN for good reason on most team weblogs.
257Tony beat me to it...ESPN employs Craig James for crying out loud...

But this issue is not necessarily unique to ESPN.
He was walking out of the Cardinals training facility yesterday so maybe they may know something that we're not supposed to... Shhhhh

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