Trackable ammunition?


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From the NRA-ILA...

New Microstamping Legislation Introduced

Friday, February 08, 2008

This week, Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA) and Congressman Xavier Becerra (D-CA) introduced "microstamping" legislation titled the "National Crime Gun Identification Act of 2007." The bill is co-sponsored in the Senate by Senators Feinstein (D-CA), Menendez (D-NJ), Lautenberg (D-NJ), Durbin (D-IL), Schumer (D-NY), and Reed (D-RI).

Commenting on the bill's introduction, Kennedy said, "Micro-stamping ammunition is an important and effective method of tracing guns, and provides law enforcement with a much-needed resource in solving crimes."

Actually, microstamping has never been implemented. Legislation was passed in California at the end of last year, but has not been implemented. Therefore, claiming it is an "effective method" is not correct. On the contrary, there are numerous and varied problems with micro-stamping (for additional information on those flaws, please click here:

The measure has support from the usual gun ban groups, such as the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, the Brady Campaign, and others.

Of course, we will continue to actively monitor this legislation and will apprise you of any developments.

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
The first major problem with microstamping is...

Most criminals who use guns, get them through unregulated channels. According to the BATFE, 88% of of crime guns are acquired through unregulated channels, and the median time between a crime gun?s acquisition and its use in crime is 6.6 years.5 According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, most criminals get guns via theft or the black market.6

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
A microstamped case could be reloaded and reused by a criminal at a crime scene.

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
A micro stamped bullet or case could also be left at a crime scene to frame someone else, or to lead police down a false trail for there investigations.
There is always loop holes!


"Live for somethin' or die for nothin'"
There are loop holes, and then there are GAPING WIDE OPEN HUGE HOLES.

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
Most law enforcement are against it for the simple reason it will not aid in solving crime as the bill's sponsers will have you to believe. More cost to buy a gun, more paperwork for almost nothing to gain crime wise.
another factor to consider is this. if we go to a nationwide micro stamp system, then in order to keep track who owns that gun, we will have to out law all private party sales of guns to maintain the proper paper trail. That means you will not be able to sell your gun to another citizen, or give it to a family member without going though a gun dealer. That will cost a min. of 35 bucks per transfer. Guess what the anti gunners will want next. Thats right, you guessed it, all transfers of firearms will be recorded by going though a license gun dealer with fees charged. CA. is at this step now with handguns and long guns will follow if the trend is kept up. Good old Teddy got that ideal from Feinstein and Boxer in order to sponser that bill. Watch Reid jump on the band wagon with a few others.


Why should anything matter? What a thoughtful question Plato.

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

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