TR dropzone vs TT shakyhunter



I recently put a dropzone rest on my Q2 and I don't know how I ever got along without it. I love it.
But there seems to be a whole bunch of you out there who love the trophytaker.
Have any of you used both and have a strong opinion one way or the other?
I'm thinking about getting one of the Switchbacks in the near future and I'm torn between getting another dropzone or the trophytaker to put on it.
Also does the trophytaker make any noise.If I have one complaint with the dropzone it's that it does make some noise.

I have used the TT and it's a very nice rest. It made noise for me until i put felt on it and now its really quiet. I just recently purchased a TR. Im waiting for the 2004 Bowtechs to go on sell and get one to put the TR on. I had the same question before and everyone said different things and thats the reason im trying the TR.

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