Toughest animal on the planet?


Active Member
The honey badger. We could all use a little more honey badger in us. Much respect, honey badger. Sounds a lot like a wolverine. From wikipedia:

The badger is among the fiercest hunters in its range, with prey including earthworms, insects, scorpions, porcupines, hares, ground squirrels, meerkats, mongooses and larger prey such as tortoises, crocodiles up to one metre in size, young gazelle and snakes (including pythons and venomous species). They also take lizards, frogs, small rodents, birds and fruit.[4] In a 2002 National Geographic documentary titled "Snake killers: Honey badgers of the Kalahari", a badger named Kleinman was documented stealing a meal out of a puff adder's mouth and casually eating the meal in front of the hissing snake. After the meal, Kleinman began to hunt the puff adder, the species being one of the badger's preferred venomous snakes. He managed to kill the snake and began eating it, but then collapsed on the dead snake as he had been bitten during the struggle. After about two hours he surprisingly awoke. Once his paralysis had subsided, the badger continued with his meal and then resumed his journey.[5]

I searched and found the clip on youtube.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-26-10 AT 03:54PM (MST)[p]We were baiting Brown Hyena once in S. Africa. Much like hunting leopard we had bait on a tree and were in a blind. I placed a wireless Microphone in the tree so we could hear them coming in. A few hours into it we could hear growling, bones crunching and all sorts of noises through the microphone. Turned on the camera and red lens spotlight and it was a pair of Honey Badgers. They stayed on the bait for quite a while even with the spotlight on them and got some good footage.

Went to town the next day to get a provincial license for Honey Badger. It was quite the run around but finally got the license. Never saw another honeybadger once we had a license.

On that same hunt we were in camp one day having lunch and all of a sudden the birds started making a fuss. The p.h. says "there must be a snake". We go outside and sure enough a huge puff adder, the p.h. caught it and took it down to the pond and threw it in the pond.

The snake swam off to the other side and as soon as it hit the bank, the birds landed near it and started harrasing and pecking at the puff adder.
coyotes can be pretty tough...gut shot one with a .300 savage when I was in high school and he drug his intestines for st least a couple hundred yards trying to bite them off at a full gallop and finally bled to death..shot another with a .270 point blank and it ran 200 yards before it finally bled out.
A rabid DOG over in Danang, Vietnam back in '72. He took a hit from a M1 Grand and then kept trying to drag himself to the fence line and my friend then shot him with a .41 Mag at close range to the back. Still would not die so a upclose 4" from top of head with a 12ga did the trick. And as my friend got closer that damn mangy dog was still trying to attack him.

What about the mosquitos in the NWT? LOL

Ok, back to reality. All your stories are very cool and show the will to survive. We should have compassion for each other and go about our business with a little honey badger blood in our veins!
Very comical. They have a lot of character. Why shoot them?.. just follow them around w/ a six pack and laugh your azz off.
Ex-wives get my vote - insanely mean and unending tencity. That's why I've never been divorced ... I'm afraid of her!

Life is like riding bulls. You're never truly ready ..... it just gets to be your turn.
Chupacabra and Bigfoot.

John Wayne, Daniel Boone, or Davy Crockett never killed either one.... and them 'ol boys was some tough sonsa bisshes!
palmetto bugs, they can withstand the weight of my 195lbs. when I would step on them. Tough little B@$**@$ds.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
I was hunting in the Kalahari desert of Botswana back in 1989, and we came upon a Honey Badger. The bushman trackers thought they'd have a little fun with him, so they took off running after him, throwing sticks at him. This worked...for about 20 yards. Then, the honey badger got pissed off and turned and came after them. You've never seen two grown men run so fast for the safety of a vehicle. They climbed up on top of the hood, and that little devil kept snapping his jaws and growling at them, while he kept jumping up like he wanted to get on the truck and eat us all alive. If you've ever seen the movie "The Gods Must Be Crazy" it was like a scene straight out of that movie. I was laughing so hard my sides hurt.

I'm with you there. I don't have an ex. But I can imagine how it would be if I wronged her bad enough to warrant a divorce.
I should leave this one alone but WTH..

Ever seen something bleed 7 days out of 28 and still live?


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