Tough 2013 henry Buffalo hunt



My 15 year old son won the lottery this year and drew a first season hunters choice buffalo. tag for the Henry Mountains. Although he took a lot of grief from the other hunters in the area who had waited much, much longer for their opportunity, we had a great time. The buffalo that we had scouted before the hunt seemed to have vanished, and locating a bull was challenging to say the least. In fact we never saw a buffalo until the 4th day of his hunt. Finally on the 6th day we located 2 bulls and were able to work in on them. My son made 2 great shots and has a young bull to his credit. I was so proud of him for sticking with it on a very frustrating hunt. Thanks to all those who helped out, and for all of the other sportsman who tried to give us ideas on where we might find him a bull. It was a great experience, but most of all a memory I will share with my son for the rest of our lives.

Congrats, that is awesome. I know the feeling, as I drew the same tag on my first try when I was 17. Your son will never forget that.
Congrats to your son on drawing the great tag and on a successful hunt. Great memories made right there!!!
you guys did great, congrads on a successful family hunt

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