Totally Screwed!!


Long Time Member
I am normally really, REALLY on top of the draws and making sure I take advantage of buying points and such. This years Ca application really screwed my up doing it online. I was so focussed on doing it right and making sure my Dad and I were in the right party and put the right choices that I forgot to put in for elk and antelope. The second I realized it, my heart sank. How big of a f*uck up is that? I no longer will have max points. With how hard it is to draw an elk or goat tag in this state...I probably just tacked on 10-15 years before I can reasonably get drawn. Is that an accurate assumption? I'm so pissed at myself. Somebody make me feel better and tell me it ain't that bad.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
LAST EDITED ON Jun-03-11 AT 05:55PM (MST)[p]That's a bummer. Yes, it is that bad. I screwed up one year and am one point behind max now for antelope, which means i may as well have no points. Your plan on elk should now be to only apply for a zone with 1 tag offered as many max point guys will apply to the multiple tag zones to utilize max points. That stinks. Sorry.
I screwed up in '05 and completely missed the draw. I was so mad at myself, how would I ever draw an elk tag without max points. The following year I drew a tag without max points.

So, what you're saying is there's still a chance....?

glass_eye is the MAN!! See, the cup IS half full! The rest of you can suck it. :) Seriously, I know I screwed up royally. I can't believe I forgot elk and deer....and yes, sheep as well YD. AAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhh. As Napolean would say, "I'm such an idiot." Who the hell forgets that stuff? WTF?

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Steve, i drew my Antelope tag last year so i have no points for them going into this years draw. I still believe that i may draw Antelope this year!

As far as sheep, those units with only one tag don't draw by PP's!

You certainly didn't help yourself out but who knows, you might next year draw the Grizzly Island bull tag! Your chances will be as good as anybody else.

That's a good way to put it Joey. So, you're saying I should only put in for the hunts that offer 1 tag? Hmmmmm! :)

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Wiz, I drew my second antelope tag in 1992. At that time there was a 10 year waiting period before you could apply again. I think I had about 8 years in waiting when they went to pp system. I thought I had to wait two more years before I could apply, which would put me two years behind max points.

I got so upset I said screw California and did not apply for ANY species.

I later found out that when they went to pp they did away with the 10 year waiting period. So I guess I shot myself in the foot.

To this day I have never participated in the draw. I sure showed them.:)

I'm happy to hunt B zone and go out of state for anything else. I have two CA pronghorn so that's more than my share anyway.

What you did is a nightmare though.

first off let me be the first one to thank you as my chances for elk and sheep just got a little better you should run a ad as one of those guys who will fill out poeples apps. for them then i would draw for sure. all joking aside i do feel bad for your accident i would probably drink myself into a coma if i did that.there is always a chance to draw a tag next year as i drew two lope tags in 5 years and my daughter drew one we put in as a party last year with 4 points each and got lucky and beat the 1 in 330 odds. a little tip for you (this is my opinion)put in with your children as the party leader i did and it worked
My kids are 14 and 12 so they are waaaaaay behind in the points game. I'm not sure I'm following you as far as putting in with them as me being the party leader. Unless your kids are at least 22 approximately, they couldn't have max points could they?

eel- thanks.....I think. Maybe if you start applying again you may be able to draw another goat tag in the next 15 know, when you're 132. :)

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
it dont matter how many points you have. if you dont have max everyone is in the same boat. put your kids as the party leader i always tell myself that they would rather give a tag to a kid then a grown up and put my daughter as party leader. but since they are still juniors i would wait until they have to put in the regular draw before i do that
I see what you are saying. You mean for the tags that are not allotted for the max points holders. That makes sense. Maybe I'll try that next year...if I remember to put in. FRICK!!

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Well, that does suck......dummy! LOL!

Now, before I cut my wrists, I might call DFG and ask if you cannot still buy the point...The season hasn't started yet so I can't see why you couldn't.

Might make you feel better to know that I had my knee replaced the year they started the PP system and thinking I wouldn't be ready for the hunt, I just didn't apply, so I have always been a point short.....Story of my life!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
Thats a good idea, Don. It's worth the time to call anyway, huh? I'm hoping I'll be meeting you this year so you can show me around for the G3 hunt. By the way, you've been lagging on sending out the explicit emails lately. What gives?

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
>I screwed up in '05 and
>completely missed the draw. I
>was so mad at myself,
>how would I ever draw
>an elk tag without max
>points. The following year I
>drew a tag without max

Nice bull glass_eye.. Where did you hunt? Looks alot like Hunter Liggett.
Well Steve.. It's not the end of the world... Close but not the end.. Did you get the deer application in? I ran a few numbers and it's not so bad.. You should have your elk tag in 2037 or 2038 at the latest. Now don't you feel better?
Got em, Don! Ya....I was craving some bonbons as well YD! I almost needed to wipe off my computer screen.

Jim- Yes, I did get the deer app in thankfully. Frawing the G3 tag will make all of these worries disappear. :) 2037? Sheesh...the world will have ended, as predicted, by then. I'm screwed.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
If you apply for one tag hunts, you are at no disadvantage to the max points applicants, first tag goes to random draw. It takes eight tags to have a second random draw tag.

And...even at max points, most elk hunts have poor enough odds you aren't likely to draw ever, or at least till you are very old...

I decided to put the money I would have for my antelope app into the raffle tags instead, as I'm not max for lope looking at hundreds to one draw odds...Was in the wait period when points started.

But Really...I can't see how anyone can consider true preference for most of the tags fair when there is a lifetime stack in the top pool, like sheep and elk.... Most will never draw, and even if you are one point off, you have to outlive the guys ahead of you to ever have a shot at the majority of tags elclusively reserved for the top pool good ol' boys club...
Actually Steve.....THANK YOU. Just one less person in the max pool now. :)

BOHNTR )))---------->
GEE, I don't feel all alone now in the "one less than MAX" pool...story of my life, a day late and a dollar short.

>My kids are 14 and 12
>so they are waaaaaay behind
>in the points game. I'm
>not sure I'm following you
>as far as putting in
>with them as me being
>the party leader. Unless your
>kids are at least 22
>approximately, they couldn't have max
>points could they?

Another glaring example of why pure preference points completely screw the youth.
They have to wait for the max point holders to either draw or die of old age.
With only a few tags issued for California's trophy hunts the kids will be drawing social security before they are in the running and that sucks.
The PP pyramid schemes need to be changed to a bonus point system, the sooner, the better.
Totally screwed, yes! True preference is really based on everyone getting their turn when the points pools roll over by drawing tags, not getting old and dying, like sheep or tule bull tags. Messing up and missing a year, getting in too late... You are completely and utterly screwed!

The idea of giving those in a long time an advantage is cool, but to lock out all those not in the top pool to the majority of tags for life??

Anyone like NV's bonus points squared system? More is better, but missing one, or a few, isn't fatal. Everyone has a shot at all the tags...
>Jim- Yes, I did get the
>deer app in thankfully. Frawing
>the G3 tag will make
>all of these worries disappear.
>:) 2037? Sheesh...the world will
>have ended, as predicted, by
>then. I'm screwed.

Well Steve I'm glad you got the deer application in ok.. Now when we get our G3 tags we will have to ask Nickman real nice to put us on a couple of 30" bucks (Don knows where the all the 30" bucks live). We both have max points so I know getting our G3 tags is a slam dunk. I'm getting excited already!!
I really like Nevada system. I finally drew two pronghorn tags there also, and a deer tag. Once the slate was clean I bailed out. Too expensive for my budget.

Yeah that sucks big time....i wonder how many messed up with the new system?..i'm sure you weren't the only one steve.I waited to the last day and had some white knuckle time trying to get my party number to add too, it wouldn't print off the receit.After calling sac and the voice box full i don't know how many times, got thru and had a very polite and patient guy pull up my number.Sorry for your bad luck, but now your a 10% kind of guy......
>Totally screwed, yes! True preference is
>really based on everyone getting
>their turn when the points
>pools roll over by drawing
>tags, not getting old and
>dying, like sheep or tule
>bull tags. Messing up
>and missing a year, getting
>in too late... You are
>completely and utterly screwed!
>The idea of giving those in
>a long time an advantage
>is cool, but to lock
>out all those not in
>the top pool to the
>majority of tags for life??
>Anyone like NV's bonus points squared
>system? More is better, but
>missing one, or a few,
>isn't fatal. Everyone has a
>shot at all the tags...

I like Nevada's system the best. I've drawn a bunch of deer tags and 2 antelope tags the past 14 years, And my first Bull elk tag with 13 points this year,
But I have drawn 3 bull Tags in calif in the last 12 years !!! Luck is a good thing. Max points is a good thing too. Putting in under the radar hunts help too...
I need a sheep or deer tag now with my max points...
I put in for Cady sheep too, Big mistake I think...
Wow steve that is a total bummer man! I didnt use the online system. I went to walmart as usual with the draw sheet that DFG sent me.

Great bull glass eye- I remember seeing some pics of that bull. East park I think.
YD, Wiz, I've got plenty more!!

I told my wife that if I had one more inch, I'd be king. She said if I had one less inch, I'd be queen!!! Bit*h. pc
LOL, pc! I called F&G this morning. I can write an appeal letter in reference to the reason I was not able to send in my apps for elk and antelope. She told me that MOST appeals are not granted. She said that sometimes if a hospitalization or death happens they MAY grant the appeal. Does anyone have a recent death certificate I can borrow? Pleeeeeeease!

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Paul- read #31. I'm not even gonna bother.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Some slim chance if you are not in the good ol' boys first in club..Guess that's better than nothing, but still...How the F--- can such a system be fair for tough draws where it is getting old and dying that causes the pools to drop rather than drawing out cause it's your turn? True preference is wrong for hunts that don't turn over in a somewhat reasonble period of time compared to a human life. It is wrong, and when enough have not's complain loudly enough, it will be changed. Take that to the bank...

I say change it to something more like NV has, more years is a huge plus, but anyone can draw any tag if lucky. Remember, WHEN the system IS changed...they could eliminate all points all together and make it truly random draw again....
Fudd, You been whining about the system for years and seem to take every opportunity to whine some more. Steve has nobody to blame, he did this to himself. It's unfortunate for him that he forgot or waited until the last minute but here you come jumping in on his shirt tails with more of your ideas of how the system needs changing. Give it a break!

>I like Nevada's system the best.
>I've drawn a bunch of
>deer tags and 2 antelope
>tags the past 14 years,
>And my first Bull elk
>tag with 13 points this
>But I have drawn 3 bull
>Tags in calif in the
>last 12 years !!! Luck
>is a good thing. Max
>points is a good thing
>too. Putting in under the
>radar hunts help too...
>I need a sheep or deer
>tag now with my max
>I put in for Cady sheep
>too, Big mistake I think...
If you like the Nevada system so much then why don't you California boys let the non residents have more than just one tag for sheep, elk, and antelope. Over on this side of the border we allow non residents 5%. Don't be so greedy with your tags.
Truth be told....I applied with about 4 days before the deadline. I just flat out forgot.

I don't fault the system Ca. has because it's our choice to put in for what hunts we want to apply for. With max points you could draw other good hunts...we don't always have to only put in for the premium hunts. It's our choice and we make it. I'll continue to put in for elk and antelpe and hope I get one of the random tags.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Steve, if it sounded like i was directing harsh criticism towards you, i wasn't or at least i didn't mean it that way. There are times i, most everybody screws up.

It's been awhile but I once put .22 cent stamps on my two app letters to DF&G... "Return To Sender" marked all over the envelopes when i got them back 3 days after the draw. The newly implemented stamps were .24 cents, i was $.02 cent short, the letters were returned, and i missed out on the draw completely that year!

Also, when some of these special draws came out years ago, i knew i'd probably never draw a tag but i wanted to support the sheep, lopes, and Elk. Back then anyway, those fees to apply were supposed to go to support the animals. I always thought it was money well spent!

If you look at the book for hunts that have very low amount of tags given, you still have as good a chance to draw those hunts as anybody!


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