Totally Gay!

Some might say, "You know that Gay kid? Well he sure played well this week"

and i'd agree!

Even one of the TV announcers commented on Brians workmanship like approach to the game. "That's just Gay", he said.

Now I know why Eel likes golf.


"If it moves shoot it again"

Get this straight in your head. That which promotes freedom is GOOD..that which takes away from freedom is BAD. Government, by its very nature, is evil...that is precisly why the founders insisted upon the citizens being armed and prepared to resist tyranny.
I guess it takes all kinds.

I like John Daly, but it is hard for me to believe that you can take your game seriously, when you dress like that.

Payne Stewart was another one.

I really don't care, but a low profile seems better to me.
I was thinking Feleno changed his pun intended!!

If John Daly smokes cigarettes on the course, I'd hate to hear what Gay smokes......!!


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