top gear


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Nov-23-10 AT 08:35PM (MST)[p]Bad ass show! Crazy driving and awesome cars! Check it out!

Sorry, forgot. Its on the history channel.

When is the show on??

LMAO...dude we don't get storms in SLC we get "Life Threatening Blizzard Warnings" and then we end up with 2 inches!!

You got 2 inches?!?!? wow dude what are you going to do? You gonna make it?

I dunno its on my dvr so its on whenever I want it to be!

"You got 2 inches?!?!?" you better be talkin about snow still...

lol that's how I roll with NBA League Pass...DVR is full of games!!

I wasn't to impressed with the US version. I've been a fan of the original british Top Gear for a long time and those are some big shoes to fill. If you haven't seen the original you should check it out on BBC america.

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