Top 5 elk Units


Very Active Member
What are the top 5 best elk units as far as quality? I really want to kill a good bull the next few years. I have 6 points right now. I am a Non Res. So I want to make the best of it. I am an archery guy, but not apposed to rifle hunting. Just looking to get the ball rolling and possibly get in some scouting in the next while if I knew a unit to look at.

Thanks, Landon
LAST EDITED ON Sep-10-12 AT 01:59PM (MST)[p]With, 6 points I assume you are one off of max which is 7. If that's the case it'll be a very long time before you draw and I'd look into some of the Type 9 archery only licenses. If you currently have 6 points but just purchased another after the draw and it hasn't posted yet then you are in the hunt w/ the rest of us. All you have to do is search Wyoming Fish and Game draw statistics and you'll see all the areas that are very hard to draw...these are the ones you want to start taking a look at. Without more info from you it'd be hard to say what areas for you to look you have horses, can you hunt wilderness, are you just looking to devote most of the time to archery only, realistically what type of bull would be your minimum goal, what type of country do you prefer, are you good at finding private land to hunt. Most of Wyoming's best areas produce 300-350 type bulls with most in the 300-320 range and a couple in the 330-350 type range...there's obviously bigger bulls taken but you can't bet the farm on it that'll be you...good luck.
look into carter mountain. i know for a resident its like 2 percent chance to draw. every year a 400 incher comes off that tag..
Between Eastmans, Garths and the G&F website you'll have it figured out in no time. Just look at the hardest draw odds and which ever areas are also listed in both of those mags should about pin it down...

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