Top 40 Moose

Great Post. I think my favorite is the #5 Alaskan Yukon moose taken by Bert Klineberger. The Klineberger's killed a lot of incredible animals back in the day
Thanks for the link! The shear size of a moose is impressive. The guide in #4 looks like he is having a lot of fun...
Did you see the guy wearing a ol' suit jacket with his moose out in the brush? I was talking to my Dad and he said that back then a lot of people had to have their picture taken while in a suit. He thinks he likely packed that thing with to camp, just for a picture if he got one. Slide #8

I couldn't imagine the jokes if I showed up in camp with a suit to lug out into the woods for my picture with an animal today. The picture would be broadcasted to the hunting world and you'd be famous for the wrong reason :)


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
Wicked! Awesome post, such immense beasts!

I know I just said on another topic that I'm not a big fan of hunting shows in general, but you guys should check out Langois' video of the archery hammer he killed, pretty bad ass footage

I'll look for a link. I seen the vid a couple years ago, but didn't realize that the Bullwinkle was so high up in the rankings till I seen this post

I've enjoyed the link emensely.
I have a moose tag this year and have no dilusions about taking one like pictured in the link. But, with hard effort, many days, a few trips, I might get lucky and take the "bull of my dreams" too!
Ya just never know.

>I've enjoyed the link emensely.
>I have a moose tag this
>year and have no dilusions
>about taking one like pictured
>in the link. But, with
>hard effort, many days, a
>few trips, I might get
>lucky and take the "bull
>of my dreams" too!
>Ya just never know.

Good luck Zeke, I hope you get a monster shiras!!
You will be required to give a complete right up with a minimum of 20 pics from your hunt... :D


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

>wah wah wah......
a certain individuals response on 8/12/2014 to anyone that commits suicide.
There are many things that would be nice to wish for or say but then I would be just like him.
U guys are more in tune to this than I am, didn't Real Langolis (sp) break the yukon record recently?

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