Too much false information


Very Active Member
I find it really frustrating to hear and see all the false information floating around.
Starting with last year, all the talk that "baiting" of any type had been completely banned.
This is not true and a completely false statement but there are a lot of people that believe it to be true. I even got into it with an older fella at Sportsmans Warehouse last summer when I asked him at the store where they keep the big game supplements and trophy rocks. His answer was, "that stuff is now illegal to use and we don't sell it anymore, only cattlemen can use a salt block of any kind".
When I told him that he was mistaken and it is still legal when not hunting over it and the DWR also has says so. He still insisted that I will be fined if caught using bait at all.

Now there's all this talk of trail cams also being banned, which again is not true. You can use them until July 31st to scout and if your not scouting or hunting the area, then they are still legal after July 31st.

Unfortunately, many boneheads out there will be taking the law into their own hands and feel the need to destroy other peoples property, which is really sad.

Now there's all this talk about taking scopes off muzzleloaders to "save the herds".
This will do nothing at all to increase the population of the deer herds.

So please check the facts, before believing all the crappy false statements going around.
I like to skip over the long posts, and skim the others. Based on my interpretation, Utah banned archery and muzzleloading. They’re coming for the Creed’s and super-cab’s next.
If killing deer more effectively is compromised and it doesn't help in an increase of a fawn crop, then why go through the time, trouble, and waste of financial resources to make it illegal to use a scope on a muzzleloader?
If killing deer more effectively is compromised and it doesn't help in an increase of a fawn crop, then why go through the time, trouble, and waste of financial resources to make it illegal to use a scope on a muzzleloader?

Why did we do so to start with? I'm guessing a few deep pocket dudes wanted the 4x12 on their $200,000 deer tag, so the reg was changed

Otherwise, what exactly was the point?
Go a head and try it, you'll find your cameras over in the lost and found in the DWR office, if I find them after July 31st
You know, cams can still be placed out legally to watch other wildlife, cougars, bears, etc… but everyone these days has to flex their 3” d!ck just to feel important or relevant. 3” might be giving you too much credit though
And there are people who believe you can still hunt over salt since it's used for cattle as well.

There are also people who think you can use a trail cam to help your buddy fill his tag as long as you're not the one with the tag.
I haven't seen any post started by people or person, saying what you posted is ok for anyone to do and they are planning on doing it themselves because it's perfectly legal to do. Kind of apples and oranges, don't you think?
Go a head and try it, you'll find your cameras over in the lost and found in the DWR office, if I find them after July 31st
When you see someone parked in a handicapped parking space with out a decal do you chain their car to your truck and haul it to the nearest police station too?
Now there's all this talk of trail cams also being banned, which again is not true. You can use them until July 31st to scout and if your not scouting or hunting the area, then they are still legal after July 31st.
ridgetops your correct and yes you can still run them! but you can not share the location or pictures with another hunter that has a valid tag for that unit that would help them in AID or TAKE that animal.
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ridgetops your correct and yes you can still run them but you can not share the location or pictures with another hunter that has a valid tag for that unit that would help them in AID or Take that animal.....

How is this different again from an outfitter using 10 spotter's from the local wrestling team?
How is this different again from an outfitter using 10 spotter's from the local wrestling team?
So let me explain how different it really is....

I run cameras and i enjoy it! they have help me a lot over the years
I know what it does and how it helps everyone that runs them as well and I'm fine with a season date.....

It gives me an edge.

#1 it does it let's me know if i have a big buck or bull on camera without really any scouting involved.
#2 cameras it also time stamps let me know what time they are coming in and going to water.
#3 cameras let's me know what trail they are using in the mourning or night so i can set up right and play the wind right when i walk in.

Are these 3 thing a big key into hunting? my answer is yes

Now put a season date on trail cameras now what do I have to do now.
well I physically have to go do all those things I am putting the time in to get that big buck or bull located for my up coming hunt
the way it all start years ago it's putting the hunt back into hunting i have to work harder to be successful.

Those guides and outfitter prices will probably sky rocket now because they will have to pay them 10 spotters to go physically find there client a buck or a bull.....
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So let me explain how different it really is....

I run cameras and i enjoy it! they have help me a lot over the years
I know what it does and how it helps everyone that runs them as well and I'm fine with a season date.....

It gives me an edge.

#1 it does it let's me know if i have a big buck or bull on camera without really any scouting involved.
#2 cameras it also time stamps let me know what time they are coming in and going to water.
#3 cameras let's me know what trail they are using in the mourning or night so i can set up right and play the wind right when i walk in.

Are these 3 thing a big key into hunting? my answer is yes

Now put a season date on trail cameras now what do I have to do now.
well I physically have to go do all those things I am putting the time in to get that big buck or bull located for my up coming hunt
the way it all start years ago it's putting the hunt back into hunting i have to work harder to be successful.

Those guides and outfitter prices will probably sky rocket now because they will have to pay them 10 spotters to go physically find there client a buck or a bull.....

Talking about the outfitter, not you personally.

The answer is it's no different and the UT commission hasn't improved anything.

In fact, probably have made it worse because now Tyler, Jeff, and [whoever] will confront the average guy...
I don’t understand where you think you can leave trash in the forest. Cameras, soda cans , plastics or paper. I haven’t found any plastic from China lately but I keep picking up ramps used to load 4 wheelers. Do oranges work, they use truck loads of them in Mexico. The Deer get drunk off of rotten oranges
The answer is it's no different and the UT commission hasn't improved anything.
There is no different? so you mean to tell me if i had a LE tag and I'm running my 10 or 12 cameras
versus the 100 or 150 cameras the outfitters run in that unit there is no different.

Heck yeah there is I just listed everything they do for me and the outfitter.....

By all means explain how you figure it's no different.
I don’t understand where you think you can leave trash in the forest. Cameras, soda cans , plastics or paper. I haven’t found any plastic from China lately but I keep picking up ramps used to load 4 wheelers. Do oranges work, they use truck loads of them in Mexico. The Deer get drunk off of rotten oranges


I mean "technically" I'm not littering tossing beer cans out the window. I drive past them several times a year to check them
There is no different? so you mean to tell me if i had a LE tag and I'm running my 10 or 12 cameras
versus the 100 or 150 cameras the outfitters run in that unit there is no different.

Heck yeah there is I just listed everything they do for me and the outfitter.....

By all means explain how you figure it's no different.

1) The outfitter is still going to pattern and watch (for specific) animals using spotters Aug 1 thru XXX. When a spotter see's you working the drainage his spotter is watching, his spotter is going to make sure you know the rules of the mountain...

2) A spotter will now be used in the aid of killing a specific animal.

3) This is why it's no different for a camera vs a spotter for an outfitter.

Key word in the lesson above: OUTFITTER.
If paying guys to scout was as efficient and inexpensive as trail cameras, the outfitters never would've been using cameras. There would be no reason to limit themselves to a range measured in a few yards.

It's ridiculous to claim that outfitters can just as effectively and efficiently hire teams of scouters as they can run trail cameras... that's why some of them have hundreds of cameras.

And even if they were the same, that in no way legitimizes trail cameras. That's like saying we should legalize driving drunk because it's also dangerous to drive high on pills. It's a false dichotomy.
If paying guys to scout was as efficient and inexpensive as trail cameras, the outfitters never would've been using cameras. There would be no reason to limit themselves to a range measured in a few yards.

It's ridiculous to claim that outfitters can just as effectively and efficiently hire teams of scouters as they can run trail cameras... that's why some of them have hundreds of cameras.

And even if they were the same, that in no way legitimizes trail cameras. That's like saying we should legalize driving drunk because it's also dangerous to drive high on pills. It's a false dichotomy.

Gee, look. Grizz must own a buisness. Not sure where you other guys are hiring employees for $200 a year.

I'd really like to see the guys your hiring with night vision.

If you guys know of these $200 yr employees, would you send me and Grizz their contact info? We have a joint bridge construction project
1) The outfitter is still going to pattern and watch (for specific) animals using spotters Aug 1 thru XXX. When a spotter see's you working the drainage his spotter is watching, his spotter is going to make sure you know the rules of the mountain...

2) A spotter will now be used in the aid of killing a specific animal.

3) This is why it's no different for a camera vs a spotter for an outfitter.

Key word in the lesson above: OUTFITTER.
totally disagree it is different it is going to be harder for all of us it is putting the hunt back into hunting
where you have to physically go do it which in turn it makes it difficult for everyone.
The outfitter has to fill his 100 trail cameras spots with spotters

So to answer your cameras versus spotters aka outfitter
It’s different and you know it it will be more of a challenge.

No the spotter won’t be part of aid and take and if he is
then all of us will be it’s no different than anyone else drawing a tag and we will get family or friends to be spotters for us.

You Need to go back to the drawing board give me something how it’s not different….
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totally disagree it is different it is going to be harder for all of us it is putting the hunt back into hunting
where you have to physically go do it which in turn it makes it difficult for everyone.
The outfitter has to fill his 100 trail cameras spots with spotters

So to answer your cameras versus spotters aka outfitter
It’s different and you know it it will be more of a challenge.

No the spotter won’t be part of aid and take and if he is
then all of us will be it’s no different than anyone else drawing a tag and we will get family or friends to be spotters for us.

You Need to go back to the drawing board give me something how it’s not different….

All the outfitter has to do is place the spotter to watch the drainage where he had 10 cameras before to keep an eye on the buck that his cameras patterned. If the client wants that buck, the spotter will be able to dial them in based on where he saw it the day before or where he bedded it.

No, it's no different. An outfitter is still going to have an edge over you.

If you can't follow along, I don't know what to tell you...
All the outfitter has to do is place the spotter to watch the drainage where he had 10 cameras before to keep an eye on the buck that his cameras patterned. If the client wants that buck, the spotter will be able to dial them in based on where he saw it the day before or where he bedded it.

No, it's no different. An outfitter is still going to have an edge over you.

If you can't follow along, I don't know what to tell you...
Right all he has to do now is pay a spotter on them until hunting season rolls around where before they didn’t have to sounds different too me…

The high end clients might pay yes that’s right pay for a spotter to watch that deer or bull for 3 weeks or month or two before there hunt starts I doubt it and if this happens higher guid fees will take place and you will find that less people won’t be able to afford there outrageous price increases for guides and outfitter so this is going to be different as well correct.

Everything I listed effects them as well as it’s different any way you argue it….

If this is what this is truly about not having an edge against outfitters then your way of thinking is way off….
Your post is misleading people and skewing information. Regarding baiting, this is the language in the Field Regulation Guidebook:

"In 2021, the Utah Legislature passed a new law (H.B. 295 Wildlife Modifications) that prohibits the baiting of big game for hunting purposes throughout Utah. (See the full definitions of “bait” and “baited area” on page 62.) Unless you have special permission from the Division—in the form of a certificate of registration—it is now unlawful to do any of the following:
•Bait big game for hunting purposes
•Take big game in a baited area
•Take big game that has been lured to or is traveling from a baited area"

So, what the employee told you was accurate... It is illegal to use for hunting. You just tried to change the subject and say if its not for hunting, you can still put out bait. Also, it doesn't say "hunting over" bait. You can't take an animal in a baited area, not even if it is traveling to or from the baited area. It doesn't even have to go to the bait itself, just be in the area.
Your post is misleading people and skewing information. Regarding baiting, this is the language in the Field Regulation Guidebook:

"In 2021, the Utah Legislature passed a new law (H.B. 295 Wildlife Modifications) that prohibits the baiting of big game for hunting purposes throughout Utah. (See the full definitions of “bait” and “baited area” on page 62.) Unless you have special permission from the Division—in the form of a certificate of registration—it is now unlawful to do any of the following:
•Bait big game for hunting purposes
•Take big game in a baited area
•Take big game that has been lured to or is traveling from a baited area"

So, what the employee told you was accurate... It is illegal to use for hunting. You just tried to change the subject and say if its not for hunting, you can still put out bait. Also, it doesn't say "hunting over" bait. You can't take an animal in a baited area, not even if it is traveling to or from the baited area. It doesn't even have to go to the bait itself, just be in the area.
I specifically told the guy that the DWR says it is legal to scout with attractants as long as it's gone by hunting season and the big game your hunting is not coming into the site on a regular basis. He insisted that you can't use bait at all, for any reason. Which he is wrong and if you agree with him, then your also in the wrong.
I specifically told the guy that the DWR says it is legal to scout with attractants as long as it's gone by hunting season and the big game your hunting is not coming into the site on a regular basis. He insisted that you can't use bait at all, for any reason. Which he is wrong and if you agree with him, then your also in the wrong.
So you and I both know if you bait and then you pull it (especially mineral) it leaches into the ground and it still attracts them to that location so there for if you have a tag for that unit or area you can't hunt over if it is pulled or not because it was a bait area....

"In 2021, the Utah Legislature passed a new law (H.B. 295 Wildlife Modifications) that prohibits the baiting of big game for hunting purposes throughout Utah. (See the full definitions of “bait” and “baited area” on page 62.) Unless you have special permission from the Division—in the form of a certificate of registration—it is now unlawful to do any of the following:
•Bait big game for hunting purposes
•Take big game in a baited area
•Take big game that has been lured to or is traveling from a baited area"

Because it was a baiting area at one point

So I hope your not thinking that was a loop hole because you and I both know it wasn't just for scouting the best thing to do is not buy any bait at all....
I’ve never personally put out a trail camera for deer in Utah. I have seen water tanks were there were a half dozen or more hanging on trees and fence posts. I have never looked closely to see if they have the owner’s name on them. If they don’t have a name attached to them, how will law enforcement or anyone that intends to remove it know who’s it is and for what purpose it is being used. Won’t a judge require proof that it belongs to a licensed hunter or someone assisting a licensed hunter? If there is no name tag required how will anyone knows who’s it is.

I’ve never claimed to be very intelligent but I don’t understand how this can be addressed. Any guesses from those of you who are concerned about the enforcement aspects.
So you and I both know if you bait and then you pull it (especially mineral) it leaches into the ground and it still attracts them to that location so there for if you have a tag for that unit or area you can't hunt over if it is pulled or not because it was a bait area....

"In 2021, the Utah Legislature passed a new law (H.B. 295 Wildlife Modifications) that prohibits the baiting of big game for hunting purposes throughout Utah. (See the full definitions of “bait” and “baited area” on page 62.) Unless you have special permission from the Division—in the form of a certificate of registration—it is now unlawful to do any of the following:
•Bait big game for hunting purposes
•Take big game in a baited area
•Take big game that has been lured to or is traveling from a baited area"

Because it was a baiting area at one point

So I hope your not thinking that was a loop hole because you and I both know it wasn't just for scouting the best thing to do is not buy any bait at all....
I'm glad to see that you know what I'm really thinking. lol Anyways, I have no intentions of doing anything illegal and I'm definitely not worried about doing anything questionable concerning how I scout. After using cameras for over ten years now, I've seen a huge dropoff of big game hitting salt after Aug. 1st and by mid August big game rarely will hit salt products.
I'm glad to see that you know what I'm really thinking. lol Anyways, I have no intentions of doing anything illegal and I'm definitely not worried about doing anything questionable concerning how I scout. After using cameras for over ten years now, I've seen a huge dropoff of big game hitting salt after Aug. 1st and by mid August big game rarely will hit salt products.
ridgetops your right my bad I'm not judging you at all...

yes around Aug they are done and it has been that way for 20 years + but there is other bait that works all threw hunting season...

My point on this is if it is used to scout that's fine but for what reason just to scout?
In my unit that is not the case it's for hunting and this last year we have seen more trail cameras on ranchers salt and I know why hunter's think It's a loop hole or grey area.
But like I've said before I know every rancher on the mountain i hunt and there is not one rancher that run's trail cameras...

We both know it does leaches into the ground and it will be there for years.
and this is the reason for the wording on the laws and rules now
The DNR knows the Deer or Elk might not want anything to do with it after Aug, but they also know it keeps those animals in that location threw the hunts or until pressure or weather pushes them out of there....
so my point is if you do harvest an animal on that spot where you previously ran bait even if it was last year you can't legally do it.
They can and will charge you for it all so my point is why even bait period even for scouting purposes..

As far as trail cameras go no it's not against the law to keep them up year round...
but we are on a hunting forum and we all know why we run cameras and it's not just for fun it's primarily for scouting purposes

This is how they will regulate the bating and trail cameras it will be by the 49% of the people that voted for a season date and i do know that number is a lot higher and the tree huggers will also do there part on this as well.
yes you will see some get damage but i feel you will see more people marking the spots on onX and sending the locations to the DWR and they will go investigate it
I guess i look at it this way on your post why bring it up why even say anything about trail cameras or baiting if people cant read the rules and regulations and don't follow the rules they will get caught period not all of them will but i think you will find most will....
I’ve never personally put out a trail camera for deer in Utah. I have seen water tanks were there were a half dozen or more hanging on trees and fence posts. I have never looked closely to see if they have the owner’s name on them. If they don’t have a name attached to them, how will law enforcement or anyone that intends to remove it know who’s it is and for what purpose it is being used. Won’t a judge require proof that it belongs to a licensed hunter or someone assisting a licensed hunter? If there is no name tag required how will anyone knows who’s it is.

I’ve never claimed to be very intelligent but I don’t understand how this can be addressed. Any guesses from those of you who are concerned about the enforcement aspects.
You do not have to have intelligence to come to the conclusion that this can't and won' be enforced. Only people enforcing it will be hunters in the field. This a lame attempt by the Wildlife Board to justify there existence. Don't get me wrong, I agree with the trail camera changes that they think will happen, But it won't happen!
So...... the next question would seem to be, if a hunter is “caught” destroying or “taking” a trail camera that is legally on a trail, water tank, etc. What does a judge do to the “criminal hunter” that removes or destroys the trail camera?
So...... the next question would seem to be, if a hunter is “caught” destroying or “taking” a trail camera that is legally on a trail, water tank, etc. What does a judge do to the “criminal hunter” that removes or destroys the trail camera?

Can't wait for the judge to explain the definition of "litter" to dude who left his stuff laying around in public ground
So...... the next question would seem to be, if a hunter is “caught” destroying or “taking” a trail camera that is legally on a trail, water tank, etc. What does a judge do to the “criminal hunter” that removes or destroys the trail camera?
If it's after the date they can legally be used, h will absalutely nothing
To the hunter he simply removed an illegal piece of equipment
If it's after the date they can legally be used, h will absalutely nothing
To the hunter he simply removed an illegal piece of equipment
I understand they are legal year round if the camera owner doesn’t have a tag and doesn’t assist a hunter who does have a tag. That is, if Rose Mary Shutterflutter has a camera on the water hole to take pictures and she has no tag nor gives m information to a tag holder, she can have a trail cam there 365/24/7. If anyone takes it or intentionally damages it, they have broken the law.......

I’m I wrong is my understanding.
I understand they are legal year round if the camera owner doesn’t have a tag and doesn’t assist a hunter who does have a tag. That is, if Rose Mary Shutterflutter has a camera on the water hole to take pictures and she has no tag nor gives m information to a tag holder, she can have a trail cam there 365/24/7. If anyone takes it or intentionally damages it, they have broken the law.......

I’m I wrong is my understanding.
You are correct
Hey Lumpy!

It's Another FusterCluck That Will Make Hunters Hate other Hunters Even More!
I don’t beleive Hunters Hating other Hunters was ever part of the what was considered...... but now that you bring it up, I’m fairly certain they might think it’s a good thing. Kind of a serendipity sort of thing, I suppose.

I don’t hate ya BC, but I hope you get a misfire when go to tuning up Mary Rose’s stealth cams.........???
More of This!

Homer Might Wanna Do A GRAMMAR Lesson?:D
I understand they are legal year round if the camera owner doesn’t have a tag and doesn’t assist a hunter who does have a tag. That is, if Rose Mary Shutterflutter has a camera on the water hole to take pictures and she has no tag nor gives m information to a tag holder, she can have a trail cam there 365/24/7. If anyone takes it or intentionally damages it, they have broken the law.......

I’m I wrong is my understanding.
Loop hole in the law they should have followed arizona and banned their use completely not even mary shutterflutter is, allowed to use them
You do not have to have intelligence to come to the conclusion that this can't and won' be enforced. Only people enforcing it will be hunters in the field. This a lame attempt by the Wildlife Board to justify there existence. Don't get me wrong, I agree with the trail camera changes that they think will happen, But it won't happen!
Time will tell
I specifically told the guy that the DWR says it is legal to scout with attractants as long as it's gone by hunting season and the big game your hunting is not coming into the site on a regular basis. He insisted that you can't use bait at all, for any reason. Which he is wrong and if you agree with him, then your also in the wrong.
I see what you're saying... you want to use it for scouting. In your mind, scouting and hunting are separate. Don't you scout "for the purpose of hunting".?

I personally wouldn't mess with it. How does the DWR define an animal that "has been lured to a location"... If the deer shows up to bait everyday before the season, then you move the bait the night before opener, and it comes in again opening morning... I'm not sure that doesn't meet the definition of "has been lured"...

Why don't you just hunt without it.? Why do you need to bait deer or elk.?
That’s not too bad. I’m surprised there isn’t a club called Hunters Hating Hunters. Damn would those meetings be fun.:)
Oh....... i’ve been to a lot of them club meetings blue......... don’t recall having much fun.

More like Bobby Bare’s song The Winner.

I think there’s a lot of members of club that can relate........... maybe you too blue. ???

It Sounds like the Wildlife Board/DWR put about as little thought into these new baiting regs and trail cam regs as they possibly could have. These new regulations are all for show, to just shut up the sportsman who are whining about there piss poor management of our resources. They know that these new rules cannot be enforced. Like I have said before the DWR needs to make massive change it multiple areas to actually see change. For example.
-No trail cameras. This means NONE EVER! No Grey area
-No Baiting . This means NONE AT ALL EVER! No Grey Area
-Shorten the Hunting seasons and do away with some seasons. Elk and deer
-Weapon restrictions, with severe penalties for not following.
-Antler/points restrictions, with severe penalties for not following.
-Road/access restrictions that are strictly enforced!!
-Less tags allocated/sold
- Sell tags at a higher fee , to help with law enforcement and habitat improvement! this way the DWR can still get there $!(this is a big deal)
-Do away with dedicated Hunter and multiseason tags.
-Do away with general and limited units. Just make them a deer unit or elk unit. With only Deer points or elk points, this will help simplify our points systems.(points system is broken in its current state)

I'm sure you can all think of many more things that need to take place to help our current situation in Utah. The point I'm trying to make is that they need to make the hard choices and the drastic measures, that don't have grey area and loopholes. People will not be happy and that's ok. They will complain for a week and then adjust to the new better way.
To me personally, the most logical way to increase herd numbers would be to reduce the number of tags given out. Period!!! If the DNR has a reliable estimation of a units population, then they can see if the total number of tags vs harvest negatively or positively affected the population for the desired number. They can then annually adjust the number of tags accordingly. I fully understand that there are many other factors at play such as predators, other animals competing for habitat, weather etc…. But damn!!! I’m not a biologist & it doesn’t seem to be that difficult to figure out.
As for technology… yes it absolutely adds an advantage, but I don’t perceive it as being the reason for a diminishing herd. Manage the population properly & then technology will have no measurable impact.
Most on here do not believe the counts are right or even close.
They also feel they can't change the counts to reflect the correct number because nobody cares enough to get it changed.

So go ahead and get those hunters reduced based on absolutely no data that anybody agrees with. And then 10 years down the road there won't be anybody who gives $.02 if the lying numbers go up or down.

What irritates me the worst is saying that hunting is the problem with the herd.

There are some hard things that may need to be done, but eliminating hunting is not one of them.

The herds are hurting. Even those that have NO pressure from hunting.
I’ve never personally put out a trail camera for deer in Utah. I have seen water tanks were there were a half dozen or more hanging on trees and fence posts. I have never looked closely to see if they have the owner’s name on them. If they don’t have a name attached to them, how will law enforcement or anyone that intends to remove it know who’s it is and for what purpose it is being used. Won’t a judge require proof that it belongs to a licensed hunter or someone assisting a licensed hunter? If there is no name tag required how will anyone knows who’s it is.

I’ve never claimed to be very intelligent but I don’t understand how this can be addressed. Any guesses from those of you who are concerned about the enforcement aspects.
That nice little serial number and other numbers can be researched and they can find out exactly whos camera it is. Now the cost to do a surveylance warrant like that may be expensive. But if you want to know something with electronics there is usually a way to find out.
That nice little serial number and other numbers can be researched and they can find out exactly whos camera it is. Now the cost to do a surveylance warrant like that may be expensive. But if you want to know something with electronics there is usually a way to find out.

Serial number for tracing? Not likely. They're not used for registration...
They can find out what store got that lot of Trailcams. Chances are it was bought with a CC and you could link it from there. Like I said it's probably expensive to look into it and not very likely to happen.
They can find out what store got that lot of Trailcams. Chances are it was bought with a CC and you could link it from there. Like I said it's probably expensive to look into it and not very likely to happen.
Let’s suppose the “chances are” that the “chances are”, that “the chances are” that the DA could, after 50 “tries” to get a conviction......... what “are the chances” the courts will try it the next time.

I could careless, I just can’t imagine the legal system is going to support this regulation, written as it is. I guess we will get to see what they do but it doesn’t seem enforceable to me. The public are not permitted to take the law in their own hands and I can’t see law enforcement chasing an unknown camera owner, to see if they have a tag or a assisting someone who has a tag, on private or public property.
Hey Lumpy!

I've Already Had a Law Official Tell Me They Are Depending On Me & Others To Enforce it!

Now Maybe He Doesn't Have The Power To Do So?

But That Tells Me They'll Be Depending on the Public To Take Care Of Most of the Problems!

I Can Hear it Now Though:

Some SOB Destroyed My Illegal Trail Cam!

If I Catch Them I'll .......................................................!
And One More F'N Thing!

These QUAD-QUEERS Riding Their F'N Lazy Ass in to the Closed Areas Blazing Trails as they F'N Eh Well Please?

How Many Tickets Have Been Issued in the Last 20 Years?
I know of one, for sure. I’m the one that got it. $84.00. Brought to me while I was laying in the Sevier Valley Hospital.

East of Fish Lake. 20 years ago. Rolled my Honda and busted my ribs. Had to leave the machine there while I went to see if I’d punctured a lung. Unbeknownst to me I was loading an elk on an “ATV unauthorized” gravel pit. (It was declared illegal by the US Forest Service, back in the 1990s, rectified in recent years, ATV are legal there now.). US Forest Service enforcement officer, Maggie by name, drove by, saw the Honda and wrote me up. They tracked the registration tag to me and brought it to the hospital.

I’d be cautious about tuning up a trail camera unless you know for a fact it is an illegal one. If somebody tuned up something that belong to the BobCat that he had out legally, he’d get a butt whoopen the likes we haven’t seen before. Remember it’s legal for anyone without a tag or assisting someone with a tag. How ya gonna know. On private or public land. That includes your property B.

Again, it’s no skin off my hide but for the life of me I can’t see how it can be administered without chaos in the courts..
Damn It Lumpy!

You're The Only One On Here That'd Admit That Wheeler Ticket!:D

I Guess They Didn't Think The Road Rash Was Enough of a Fee!:D

I Don't TUNE Anything LUMPY!:D

Not particularly proud of it B. I can tell you this, I was reminding of my indiscretion with every breath, for about 3 weeks and for another 2 weeks, every time I sneezed. ?

The ticket was a distraction!
It Sounds like the Wildlife Board/DWR put about as little thought into these new baiting regs and trail cam regs as they possibly could have. These new regulations are all for show, to just shut up the sportsman who are whining about there piss poor management of our resources. They know that these new rules cannot be enforced. Like I have said before the DWR needs to make massive change it multiple areas to actually see change. For example.
-No trail cameras. This means NONE EVER! No Grey area
-No Baiting . This means NONE AT ALL EVER! No Grey Area
-Shorten the Hunting seasons and do away with some seasons. Elk and deer
-Weapon restrictions, with severe penalties for not following.
-Antler/points restrictions, with severe penalties for not following.
-Road/access restrictions that are strictly enforced!!
-Less tags allocated/sold
- Sell tags at a higher fee , to help with law enforcement and habitat improvement! this way the DWR can still get there $!(this is a big deal)
-Do away with dedicated Hunter and multiseason tags.
-Do away with general and limited units. Just make them a deer unit or elk unit. With only Deer points or elk points, this will help simplify our points systems.(points system is broken in its current state)

I'm sure you can all think of many more things that need to take place to help our current situation in Utah. The point I'm trying to make is that they need to make the hard choices and the drastic measures, that don't have grey area and loopholes. People will not be happy and that's ok. They will complain for a week and then adjust to the new better way.

Cant even get guys to give up cams for a few months. Good luck on the rest
hossblur your absolutely right.

Everyone here knows how all of this started.

Now other forum is using Wade Lemon and Doyle Moss to help them win the fight against this trail camera bane.

Wade Heaton-guide/outfitter
Wade Lemon-guide/outfitter
Doyle Moss- guide/outfitter

I find it very comical that Hush is on board with the Guides/outfitters.

When he targeted the fire bull and patterned it by using trail cameras and wouldn't you know he also harvested it...

People that are against the ban you better remember how we got here.
How is this different again from an outfitter using 10 spotter's from the local wrestling team?
It does require them to be out in the field for one. And second they can't be out there 24/7.

That being said this practice definitely is not one I agree with.
It does require them to be out in the field for one.

They are there anyway...

And second they can't be out there 24/7.

They don't have to be, just when the animal is going to bed and then move later in the day.


These young "bro's" live for this stuff. The outfitter is still using something to aid in the killing of the next big 'un.
The rules won’t get reversed mark my words.
I knew this would happen
Too much hate emails have been sent to the board.
The board is not happy at all right now.

Sorry It’s here to stay.
Well, state legislators have more pull and they answer to the same angry emailers.

Good luck...
Thanks but I really don’t need it.

This Is why nothing ever gets done, at the RAC meeting and the board meetings. people don’t show up to them and voice there opinions.

But apparently they can voice there opinion very strongly with an Email.
No need to email there is a link to submit comments directly to the board or RAC's.

And I'm not sure that in house comments are any more effective.

That being said the WB did a study and then there were something like 45 comments sent in to the RAC's and WB.

If you really care one way or another it is just as easy to make your feelings known by contacting the RAC's and WB directly. Sorry the several different threads and 100's of posts on MM don't mean squat.

If it really bothers you get involved. I don't care what 10 outfitters may be doing. All it takes is a ground swell of people against it.

And yes they actually make a public record of the comments. This for the conspirator enthuses.
Thanks but I really don’t need it.

This Is why nothing ever gets done, at the RAC meeting and the board meetings. people don’t show up to them and voice there opinions.

But apparently they can voice there opinion very strongly with an Email.

Missed the point there hummer.

You'd be surprised at how quickly a state legislature can reverse a wildlife board decision once real money gets involved...
Missed the point there hummer.

You'd be surprised at how quickly a state legislature can reverse a wildlife board decision once real money gets involved...
Didn’t miss nothing I knew what you meant.
Hahaha the legislature on board with this remember, and now with Wade Lemon/ Doyle Moss / Wade Heaton crying on social media and all of the ignorance emails to the board.

Now everyone truly knows they can’t live without trail cameras.

This ship has set sail.

Sorry runner No money can help them now.
Didn’t miss nothing I knew what you meant.
Hahaha the legislature on board with this remember, and now with Wade Lemon/ Doyle Moss / Wade Heaton crying on social media and all of the ignorance emails to the board.

Now everyone truly knows they can’t live without trail cameras.

This ship has set sail.

Sorry runner No money can help them now.

Okay. Glad you got what you want. For now...
Elkslayer asked a girl to the dance last year but she ended up ditching him for a trail cam. He’s never been able to forgive her. He’s still a bit salty towards inanimate objects. Hey boys… hold them fish finders tight. You never know when they’re coming for those! ThEy kILl aLL tHe dEeRS!
Elkslayer asked a girl to the dance last year but she ended up ditching him for a trail cam. He’s never been able to forgive her. He’s still a bit salty towards inanimate objects. Hey boys… hold them fish finders tight. You never know when they’re coming for those! ThEy kILl aLL tHe dEeRS!
Last year that was a while ago before you where born? how’s she doing by the way.
It’s all good didn’t need her anymore I have my own cameras there slick.
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