Too Funny!


Long Time Member
A young girl goes off to Veterinary school.

Her father is a renown Veterinarian and she wants to work in his practice.

A few weeks go by and she writes home for money for a bicycle to be able to get to classes faster.

Just when she gets the money for the bike, a fellow student has to leave school and is forced to sell his pet monkey, a vet student project.

The girl buys the monkey and neglects to tell her father that she didn't buy the bicycle.

A month goes by and the monkey starts shedding all his hair.

None of the Vet doctors at the school can determine the problem, so in a last ditch effort to solve the mystery, she decides to ask her experienced father.

She writes, "Dear Dad, all the hair is falling off my monkey, what should I do?"

Dad writes back,.......... "Dear Daughter, sell the bicycle"
LMMFAO........hey piper, the dad thinks the seat is chafing her private parts...get it??

great post/pic, thanks for sharing


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