Too Far?


Very Active Member
I have effectively been avoiding facebook up until tonight. My brother called me up very excited, he set me up an account. Not only did he set up the account he posted a pic of a horses @$$ as my profile pic.
What can I do to get back at him?
I was thinking give his phone number and email address to the gay and lesbian alliance.
Suggestions are needed

That John Denver is full of $#!t man
CLOSE IT!! Mine lasted 10 days (created by the wife). I gave it a shot, thought it might be cool to get back in touch with the extended family and old friends but it's nothing but a huge cry baby fest, all everyone does is b$&@h and moan. My fingers hurt, my eyes hurt, my head hurts, you will hear that time and time again!
Talk to Nickman.....King of paybacks.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Have a load of fill dirt delivered to his house. Pre pay and have it done when he is not home....

Sign him up for Playgirl. Have it sent to his work ...

Have his yard blue staked..
One of my favorites is to put an add on craigslist for some free stuff and make sure that they only send texts to his number. This time of year free sod will usually get a hundred texts.
Lol horses ass that's awesome!

Go into the account he set up for you and in your profile, enter that you have a brother that performs gay and lesbian weddings by email...for free..indicate how successful he has been and how proud you are of him, for his stand on the controversial matter......enter his email and telephone number.
Kawboy, the first step would be to tag him in the horse's ass photo, so it shows up as a picture of him on his profile, and it will be posted on all of his friends' homepage. It looks like you already changed your profile pic, so that's fixed. You should change your password ASAP, so he doesn't change it back, or worse...

Nocked N Loaded
Haha, I almost tagged you in it myself, but I figured that should be between the two of you. I did think that was pretty funny though.

Nocked N Loaded
My wife wrote haaaaaay on his wall, pretty funny. He figured out how to change it now.

When I was talking to him about it last night he was excited about it but kept saying he wasn't. I think he was on it all night and has been putting pictures up all day so don't let him bs you guys he likes it!

Oh come on now, it took me a couple hours to get logged in and change the stupid picture, but I still think revenge is in order, my phone was going off all night with stupid friend requests. I can't start facebook anyways, it takes away from mm time

That John Denver is full of $#!t man

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