Tons of Deer Meat Destroyed!!!


Long Time Member
I would be so pissed to know that my donation was treated this way. It is unacceptable!!!

Louisiana Health Dept.: Homeless Can?t Eat Deer Meat

Feb 25, 2013; By Todd Starnes

Hunters across Louisiana are outraged after state health officials ordered a rescue mission to destroy $8,000 worth of deer meat because venison is not allowed to be served in homeless shelters.

The Dept. of Health and Hospitals ordered the staff at the Shreveport-Bossier Rescue Mission to throw 1,600 pounds of donated venison in garbage bins ? and then ordered then to douse the meat with Clorox ? so other animals would not eat the meat.

?Deer meat is not permitted to be served in a shelter, restaurant or any other public eating establishment in Louisiana,? said a Health Dept. official in an email to Fox News. ?While we applaud the good intentions of the hunters who donated this meat, we must protect the people who eat at the Rescue Mission, and we cannot allow a potentially serious health threat to endanger the public.?

That statement set off a firestorm among hunters and lawmakers who called it outrageous and insulting.

?That's a mild understatement,? said Richard Campbell, one of the founders of Hunters for the Hungry, a group that has been donating wild game to shelters since 1993. ?Hunters are going nuts over it. It's created an outrage across our state and even over into Mississippi.?

The controversy started when someone being fed at the rescue mission complained about being fed deer meat.

Henry Martin, executive director of the mission, told Fox News they've been serving deer meat for years ? from deer chili to deer spaghetti.

?This was really good meat,? he said. ?It's high in protein and low in cholesterol. It's very healthy.?

Martin said he was extremely bothered by the way state health inspectors handled the situation.

?You would think we would have due process,? he said. ?But they meant to destroy the meat ? that's for sure.?

The mission?s chef asked if they could at least return the meat to the processing plant ? but the state officials said no.

?They actually took it out to the dumpsters, split the packages open and poured Clorox on it,? Martin told Fox News.

He said the rescue mission serves 200,000 meals a year ? without a single dime of assistance from the state or federal governments. As a result of the confiscation, he said as many as 3,200 meals were lost.

?It seems like this was a senseless act,? he said. ?I don't think hungry people who come to our mission appreciate the fact they could have been eating some really good venison and as it is now ? no one can eat it.?

The Health Dept. defended their actions and said they had to pour Clorox on the meat as an ?extra precaution so that animals would not eat it from the dumpster and become sick or die.?

?This is a process called ?denaturing,?? they stated.

Campbell said the venison comes from deer management programs ? where hunters have to kill a lot of deer.

?We ask our hunters once they fill up their own freezers to give the extra to the needy,? he said.

Once the deer is donated, a local processing plant prepares the meat for the shelters.

And hunters in the Sportsman?s Paradise have always responded to the call ? including State Rep. Jeff Thompson.

?As a hunter and somebody who has personally donated deer to this program, I'm outraged and very concerned,? he told Fox News. ?You hear about these stories anywhere and it's a concern ? but when it happens in your own backyard it's insulting.?

Thompson said he is meeting with the heads of state agencies as well as state lawmakers to make sure the rules are changed.

?We take pride in helping our neighbors and to see thousands of dollars worth of meat that would help the hungry go to waste is absolutely disturbing to me,? he said.

Thompson said at the very least the meat should have been returned to those who donated it.

?We want to make sure the generosity of hunters and processors are honored and the hungry are provided with the food they are very much in need of,? the lawmaker added.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-25-13 AT 11:49AM (MST)[p]That's a real good one when one of the poor needy souls is getting fed for free at the Mission and complains about what it is! I wonder what the previous Inspectors were doing when they went through the place and said nothing if venison has been used on the premises to make chili and spaghetti for the last 10 years.
Since when has anyone in Louisiana turned down ANY food? That's a shame. Good high protein meat gone to waste...and now the taxpayers will foot the bill for expensive beef. Everyone loses in the deal.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-25-13 AT 01:14PM (MST)[p]"said a Health Dept. official in an email to Fox News. ?While we applaud the good intentions of the hunters who donated this meat, we must protect the people who eat at the Rescue Mission, and we cannot allow a potentially serious health threat to endanger the public.?

So he is educated enough to qualify as a health department official but considers fat hormone & steroid injected beef superior to lean organic venison? Really??? Next time he might want to consult a physician first.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & the SFW Hate Club
I wonder what PETA's take on that would be? All those deer being killed and gone to waste. 1600 pounds is a lot of deer! Crazy....

M'Balz Es Hari
I have been volunteering at a shelter here in Utah for a little while now and some of the things I have seen make me sick. Some Hispanic (PC correct term) and her five children come in every time I'm there and she is always on her smart phone while here children run wild. After they are done they are supposed to clean their spot, but they leave it for someone else to deal with. Another guy came up to the window and asked to speak to the chef because he was not satisfied with the way the meal was prepared.
If I was helping out at a shelter and the above happen, I would be the A-hole that would take matters in hand and show them the door and tell them they could go else where to eat. One reason I do not work at a shelter, I am far away from being PC.

They said it was not packaged correctly and thats why they destroyed it... Im very bent as I had donated 2 doe whitetail and a 300lb wild hog to them in december and even paid for the processing at the butchers( my freezer is full of wild hog and a big buck and doe I got in November).
Next year Im going to give it to the rest of my family as I have been getting hell from them since I gave it away and then it was destroyed. going to buy a bigger grinder and make more jerky.
beggars cant be choosers is what I would say to someone who is hungry and complains about the food.

I would have also turned them away to find food elsewhere.


who farted?

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