told ya so



well, guess i get to say i told ya so. there ain't nothin' happenin' on this site since they banned the annonymooses. dang, i can't b'lieve it, i really miss them bigfooters. somebody start some controversy, please. it's human nature to argue............anyway, my human nature. guess i'm a human anyway. 'course them bigfooters said i wasn' rodney king said, "can't we all not get along?"
I, for one, am enjoying this site more now that most of the knuckleheads are gone. Notice that I said "most". There are still some of us left but cant hide anonymously behind a fake name like a true coward. If you are going to be a d!ck, then stand up and take your lumps and not hide from them. Those guys were the equivilant of someone slapping you in the head when your back is turned and then hiding like a scared little bunny rabbit.
Just an opinion.
it's a cow, a slow mover,
kind of like a cow in open range, slow mover,
I realy hate it when your back in the wilderness elk hunting and you here some thing stirring just over the ridge,
just to find out its one of those slow moving elk.
I am sorry to hear that you have been missing the good old arguments and controversy on these forums. You need to go to the Campfire forum and look up the topic,"lazy hunters", Fairchaseben and I have started a good argument among ourselfs after he badmouth CA. hunters and blamed them for being the original "slob hunters" in his topic. Heck, I would not have been offended as much if he had included the Texas boys in his topic. If it keeps up, I may just buy him a beer for starting a good argument.
My mistake, the above posts are on the "Future of hunting" forum. Feel free to chime in and get the pot stirred. It will give us something to do until the hunting season gets here.

I hate hearing the phrase "I told you so" mainly because it is usually voiced by the ol'lady while she rubs my nose in the fact that she, pegged something prior to me, & as such she should be recognized as some kind of a clairvoyant & never be questioned on anything there after.
Other than that RLH, I could not agree with you more.
I'm wondering what happened to all those upland game/fishing aficionados.
Respectfully, I disagree with you on this one Polarbear, in my opinion if you dislike going somewhere why would you keep going back, AKA public forum.
RLH, Have you checked the "gas pains" topic in the mule deer forum? Got a bit of a controvery going on there, it's got nothin' to do with mule deer (or even hunting) but what the hell, gotta have something to pass the time until hunting season is here. Kingfish and I started it, but then a new guy, Scottyboy jumped in and just about tore me a new one. We sort of kissed and made up but if you want to get in there and stir it up a bit more, we'd all appreciate it. :)

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