Toiletpaper or Boxers???


Very Active Member
Well we have all been there, out in the middle of no where and all the sudden sh!t happens! What the heck do YOU do without TP? Me, well I always try and wear boxers so I can cut a few small "squares" out and use'm. If not, then it's the nearest bunch of leaves or moss! Dirty crack syndrome...itchy itchy

It's never happened to me....I always carry some sort of Kleenex or TP in my pack. I would hold it otherwise, unless I could catch a lethargic rabbit to clean the crack with.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-08-09 AT 08:44PM (MST)[p]

kind of a crappy topic!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Who wipes?.......


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
I was in the Philippines a few years back on business and had the sudden urge to release hot fury. After I found a stall that was suitable for hovering I painted porcelain and was happy to make it. My relief turned to dispear when I realized there wasn't any sh!t tickets in the stall. I instantly turned to me boyhood training from my father and considering taking a sleeve or bottom of my shirt. I then thought it would be hard to explain to my customers why part of my dress shirt was missing.

It is miserable walking around the philippines in mid summer and 98% humidity with one sock on.

"If God didn't want us to eat animals, then why did He make them out of meat?"
~Ted Nugent
The reason why you should always have a hanky or bandanna in your back pocket.
I knew a guy who used the nearest leafs one time. Stupid city boy did not recognize it was poison oak leafs he was using.
He was out of work for a intire week!!!!

A bandana cut into quarters will work four times. After doing that once in the field, you will never be without butt wipe again! :)
TP-don't leave home w/o it !!!!
If your older or have "issues"-paper towels !!

"Good mass & long browtines"
If you push hard enough and clamp down at the right moment! your clean as a whistle........or if your buddys chessi is a turd eatter ............and hes makng a shell run (just kidding).

Having to chit in the field is all to common for me. In fact, it isn't a normal day out hunting if I don't take one. Most of the times I have tp, but when spending 30+ days in the field each year, needless to say I have been without. I have made numerous calf high socks into ankle socks, cut the pockets off of blaze orange vests, cut corners off of button up shirts, cut up and old beanie and used sticks and leaves. I no longer will use sticks and leaves because inevitably I will have the itch the rest of the day until I can finish the job with tp.
To follow up my last post, I want to mention one time two years ago while out archery elk hunting. I was merely out to get a cow to fill the freezer with. Every time I have chit in the field I have made sure to have my gun or bow by my side. This time I decided to leave it on the flat and hike 30 ft down a hill and into some trees for cover. I have never once had a shot present itself while doing the deed, but go figure the one time I don't have my bow with me two cows come walking up the hill and stop 20 ft in front of me. They stared at me with my pants down for a couple of minutes then ran off and barked at me in the distance. Pretty chitty.
I have come back from hunting elk with a belly shirt. I have also used leaves a handful of times, but I have learned and now I always carry T.P. and Wet Wipes. Never cleaner than with that combo.
I remember one dark night I was busy dropping trough next to a big log when I realized there was a big ol' bear right on the other side.....Ahhhh good times........


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.

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