Toe Sucking


Long Time Member
Sitting around the campfire the other nite one of the ladies was talking about how hot toe sucking got her (being the toe sucker). Really? I can't get visions of stuff like this out of my head. Any other suckers or suckies out there?

Hey F'er!
That ain't quite the kinda Toe We like to see!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Mystery solved!! Now I see why Eel always complains about his feet hurting when he's wearing his boots..
Lord Amighty!........I hate it when you put stuff on here that is impossible to "unsee"!

How about a little nail polish?

Ladies camel toe sucking yes, foot toe sucking no!

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

Well so much for these curly fries i was trying to eat.....thanks F-dude.[/IMG]
JB that would be spooge buddy! I'm thinking someone went from a BJ to a TJ before spitting!

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
It's called a 'foot facial' CUPSY!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
When deer and elk season finally opens, there are going to be some seriously messed up dudes out in the field.

An innocent bystander, stumbling on some of these posts lately, is going to recommend some serious psychological intervention!
> When deer and elk season
>finally opens, there are going
>to be some seriously messed
>up dudes out in the
> An innocent bystander, stumbling on
>some of these posts lately,
>is going to recommend some
>serious psychological intervention!

I think your are right on this one. I am still damaged from the log in the toilet.
My wife once came home from a pedicure with camels painted on both big toe nails. (she has been around me too long!) The gal who did them was laughing so hard that she was almost unable to do it.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

>BUT!..BUT!..BUT! was in someones HAND!!!!!!!!!!

Yes it was and that is what made it so very wrong, I have always been accused of having a very dry, twisted, sick sense of humor but... holding a "log" is just wrong.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-11-10 AT 02:30PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Aug-11-10 AT 02:29?PM (MST)

F'er I'm sending you the bill for my lunch that just ended up in my trash can as puke. Goodnight Irene that was friggin disgusting. If my foot looked like that, I'd cut the sumbeech off myself and throw it to the dogs.

Model_70_Guy, thanks for the re-visual of the knucklehead fondling the human turd. Now I have absolutely no appetite what so ever.

This post would make a good diet gimick. Hell I guess that I could stand to lose a little weight before deer & elk season.

So thanks for all of your help F'er & M_70_G, I guesss? x([/img][/url]
LAST EDITED ON Aug-12-10 AT 03:51AM (MST)[p]looks like someone jizzed on that camel tat!
how come when I post a camel toe pix it gets nuked?
fyi/... my toes are way to tickleish...suck on them and you'll get a kick to the face!

LMAO Rack I hear ya there!! Brings back an awesome memory for me...while on the sub I was in a deep sleep when all the sudden the boat went into battle stations missile. My buddy Jesse was trying to wake me up and made the mistake of touching my feet and got kicked right in the nose!!

Anyone who sucks or wants their toes sucked on, is a weird s.o.b. if you ask me!! Feleno you said one of the ladies around the campfire...WTH man where's pics of the rest?? I mean if you're guna be a campfire ho jumpin around one to another at least post pics of the freakin chicks bud!!


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