Today was a good day.


Today has to be the funnest day of hunting for me in a long time. Not saying I don't have fun when I go out hunting, today was not about me filling my tag. Woke up and was off by seven late start. I was able to take my good friend and his twelve year old son out hunting, his son and I had tags. Being he is a youth he can still hunt the rifle here in utah and I am dedicated so today was just a day of getting out and sharing my knowledge with a new hunter. We arrived to a spot were his dad had seen two bucks the day before. Well after a few hours of glassing and hiking we turned up a doe and two fawns. I could see the disapointment in Rio's eyes that we didn't see any bucks. So we headed to one of my honey holes I call the nursery, named it that due to the fact it's mostly doe's and fawns and lots of spikes and two points. Upon arriving there we were seeing deer right off the bat. Rio was getting excited and that kid has eagle eyes he was spotting ears sticking up in tall grass, that I glassed passed a dozen times with his naked eye. Anyways after about ten minutes I spot a two point. Let him know I found him a buck, he instantly had a smile. After talking about how to go about closing the distance his dad and him decided to head back down and come in from above them and I would stay back and watch it all unfold. After about twenty minutes of waiting I spot Rio and his dad. There right on top off the buck and it doesn't even know it my heart is pumping and I'm shaking like it was my first buck I shot. They close the distance to about thirty yards, Rio takes aim and pop. Not the usual sound a muzzleloader makes, glass the buck and it's out of there. Now I'm scratching my head what the hell happened? Head over there to see if he hit it. Well for some reason it didn't fire correctly as if the powder was bad or something. We spend the next forty five minutes looking for signs, nothing no blood no deer. To say the least I was upset that my muzzy malfunctioned on Rio after such a sweet stalk. But he had a huge smile and said that was one rush, I asked him you hooked on hunting with a big smile he said yes. Now we didn't get his first buck today but being a part of getting a youth hunter to feel that rush I still feel to this day made me feel like the greatest hunter alive. He has a spike tag as well and I hope to be there for that this saturday. Days like today make me excited for the day I get to take my daughter on her first hunt. Being that she isn't even two months old, I have a few years for that but she will be with dad as soon as she is old enough to tag along. Anyways goodluck to all you youngens out there this fall, and congrats to all of you who have filled your tag or tag's. I hope your hooked. One other thing today made me realize that it's not about the inches or how big it's rack is, it's about getting out there and making memories that will last forever. I still remember my first buck at fifteen my uncle helped me get. He was the smallest two point I have ever seen but in my eyes the biggest buck ever. Anyways good luck to everyone hope many memories are made this hunting season.

Great story, thanks for sharing it. It's not always about dropping a big buck, but just being out there and making memories. I can't wait until my boy is old enough to come along with me.
Great story, I guarentee he will remember that day forever. I still remember my first day and the 2 point I missed, biggest rush ever. I still get a big rush when I shoot, But not like That first one.
Awesome story! Kids make it a whole different world don't they!?! Thanks for sharing the experience!
Thanks Aaron. You have reminded me of the true reason we hunt. Some of the best posts on MM have no photos.


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